American Fortune Life

Chapter 1258: The Great Dreamer, or the Great Neglect?

Tesla headquarters in Palo Alto.

Tesla is known as the world's most intelligent fully automated production workshop, from raw material processing to finished product assembly, and almost all but a few of the production processes are self-sufficient.

Cough, of course, this is Andy's specimen shop.

Customized slim suits, dust-free white shirts and blue striped ties make Andy Smith look even more skilful and talked to the President and the Minister of Energy in the face of the little flying shoes beside him, as well as to the journalists who kept recording what was happening.

“Stamped production lines, body centers, paint baking centers and assembly centers, with over 150 robots involved in all four manufacturing segments. Of course, you rarely see anyone's shadow in the workshop...

Each robot can accomplish a variety of actions...

Complete the stamping of an engine cover in 6 seconds...

Here's the fine workmanship of the engine...

A robot can carry the frame independently, and the whole process runs on a pipeline, seamlessly docking between the robot and the robot. The whole process is done by computer-controlled robots according to pre-set procedures! ”


The crowd was immediately shocked by the super-automatic production plant in front of them, watching the scene of few people in the clean and spacious workshop, all feeling ‘unemployed’.

Even the little flying shoes are a little overtoned. To be honest, everything in front of him is a little beyond his imagination. You know, that's not what happened to Tesla before, it's more like a workshop.

The Tesla plant had previously applied to the United States Government for an Advanced Technology Vehicle Production Loan Scheme (ATVM) to support new engine technologies and encourage the development of new energy technologies in order to alleviate the funding shortfall. The plan was also launched by him in 2007.

Someone came and looked at it, and then there was no aftermath, so Tesla broke the chain of funds and was acquired by Andy Smith at a low price, and just how long before that, the workshop turned into a technologically super factory for the future.

Andy's face always had a slight smile on his face. He was very satisfied with the shocked reaction of everyone, and he was even more proud of himself. Of course, several Tesla executives in the room pretended to look like we were very impressive. He raised his chin slightly, but inside he was seven up and eight down.

Because they know that the owner is the owner of this workshop to ignore people. Although the fully automatic assembly room is really awesome, Nima's cost is really too high, it is absolutely impossible to spread the word, and the profitability of Tesla electric cars is really not very good right now. Although electric overrun projects can be mass-produced and cost reduced, and there is more room for profit, there was a financial storm and sales decreased.

But ModelS and ModelX's research and development work has already started. R&D is definitely the most expensive work. The funds for selling electric superruns back into the cage have been invested on it. If you don't find a way to solve the funding problem, say no and burn the boss's money.

Tesla's executives know that this little flying shoe is going to be a huge opportunity, otherwise the Big BOSS won't take out the most stunning set of super automations to run the reckless.

“Mr. Smith, as far as I know, Tesla's profitability... ”

Although a journalist was shocked by the workshop scene, he remained skeptical. After all, Tesla's profitability level was clear to everyone that this workshop alone did not represent anything and it was probably very difficult to popularize a larger factory.

Andy glanced at each other and noticed that the Minister of Shoes and Energy looked at him and said, "When something is important enough, you still need to persevere in doing it, even if it doesn't meet your expectations! ”

“Everything you see is the result of our Teslan efforts, we are dreamers and pioneers, and all we have to do is drive innovation in the global electric car industry.

Everyone is familiar with the Greater Los Angeles area, but you don't find that there's a clear difference between the blue sky here and the rest of the United States, with very few blue and purple skies, more of a light azure.

Over the years, the Greater Los Angeles region, including Los Angeles and Orange County, has been the most ozone intensive region in the United States, while Fresno in the Central Valley has become the most polluted city in the United States with a PM2.5 index of over 100.

It is densely populated, with lots of automobiles and a dense industry. Three-sided mountains, Los Angeles is plagued by accumulation of industrial pollution and poor air flow. Though decades have passed since the photochemical smoke incident, we must not forget the damage caused by the disaster, and the issue of exhaust emissions has become a major concern for all countries around the world today.

And what we, Tesla, are doing is wiping out the exhaust, putting people on cleaner energy cars, and giving the world an unpolluted blue sky! ”


Andy's sudden speech, giving everyone in the room the warmest applause, created a sense of reverence for Andy Smith and the Tesla executives present, lamenting that they were a group of responsible and mission entrepreneurs.

The little flying shoes were applauded with a smile on their face, and the Minister of Energy beside them clapped hard, creating a great deal of fondness for the young super-rich man in front of them.

“Andy, seeing all this, to be honest, I'm really a little surprised that you're a genius, with a strange ability to make a company that was already on the verge of bankruptcy such a brilliant tech pioneer. I came to the right place this time to open my eyes! ”

Little flying shoes pat Andy on the back very nicely, smiling happily and walking with Andy.

Listening to the little flying shoes restored the Texas accent to English, he couldn't help but faintly smile and shook his head and smiled bitterly: “Mr. President, to be honest, dreaming about this kind of thing is really too much money burning, after all, my personal ability is limited, and now Tesla's R&D funding is in trouble again, and I have to turn to the federal government for support. ”

“Oh, you little guy, you're not being honest at all, are you limited? This joke is not funny at all, haha...” Little Flying Shoes playfully twisted, but after laughing, he continued with a slightly more solemn face: “How about a low interest loan of $400 million? ”

“Five hundred million dollars, we can get the early mass production of the ModelS and ModelX series you saw earlier, and the federal government's support is really important to us.” Andy bargained.

The little flying shoes shook their heads and looked at Samuel, the Minister of Energy on the other side, and said, "You're the Minister of Energy. You have the most say. What do you think? ”

“Everything we see today is shocking. Tesla can be described as a model of innovation, a frontier position for new energy vehicles globally, absolutely leading any professional automotive factory in the world. We should also strongly support the development of new energy vehicles, such as car purchase subsidies, and encourage consumers to buy electric vehicles. ”

Mussel, as Minister of Energy, will also be relinquishing his post with the departure of his little flying shoes. He also has his own political needs. He is very good at the future trends of NEVs and is able to set up a unicorn company in his post, leaving a valuable political asset to be valued.

“Oh, that's it. Andy, Tesla will be the last loan out of my ATVM program, hopefully we won't be disappointed.” Little flying shoes have a brilliant smile, and Andy walks side by side in the showroom, where he also needs to speak as president.

“Innovative products and businesses have changed the world, subverted industries and created legends. Its success depends on forward-looking, adventurous, bold and innovative entrepreneurs and engineers. But it is also important not to lose sight of the soil and mechanisms behind which innovation is encouraged and nurtured... ”

Andy, who has returned to Mountain Sea Estate, is holding on to the shoulder of Emperor Cyrus, who is feeding Little Laura, watches the President of Little Flying Shoes on TV, in the siege of Tesla employees, smiling and presenting his speech, revealing his strong commitment to the support and promotion of new energy, angrily brushing his presence.