American Fortune Life

Chapter 1306 Golden God VS Stock God (65/74)

When investors were overwhelmed by the stock market turmoil caused by the financial crisis, Buffett, who had always been seen by Americans as an indicator and flag for the direction of the stock market, used his influence and lighthouse effects to drive a large crowd of copies of the underlying beauty stock, and earned a great deal of praise in the early years.

Over the course of the month, however, all those who had entered the floor, including himself, were now covered, lost heavily, and the actions of the old hooligans not only failed to earn more respect and shrink wealth, but were ridiculously tweaked by some people on Wall Street, not only shaking the respect of market professionals for him, but even encountering a crisis of trust among ordinary people.

It was against this backdrop that Andy Smith entered the gold market in a madness, without shouting for attention or concealing a monodiet, that investors and people who risked following him into the gold market reaped rich returns, and that as gold rose, so did the admiration and trust for Andy Smith.

When the price of gold rose to $800 ounces, after a shock and a lucrative return, Andy just sent a picture of a small dollar on the left and a gold bar on the right on instagram, accompanied by a sentence, "Buy gold, cash is garbage. ”

For the first time, after Andy Howe threw more than $30 billion in gold to buy, a clear indication of the direction of the investment allowed many hesitant people and investors to enter, while professionals who were not comfortable with Andy's investment in gold hedging, or even flirting, now regretted it.

As central banks continue to invest in financial markets, printing 'paper smoking’ wildly, coupled with declining interest rates, seems to be injecting water into the sand heap at a time of tightening liquid xing, but sooner or later it will spill out.

With the money growing, the world is full of water!

Inflation and currency depreciation will be inevitable, in which case Andy Smith's gold hedge, and the view of cash trash, will be the beacon of much conviction.

However, precisely because of Andy's photo recipe, some of the good guys deliberately provoked a cyber rip-off between the new and old kings.

As the most successful investor in the world, Buffett, the "godfather” of value investment execution, has many embraces around the globe, few question his views, and few dare to act against his views, so to speak.

Even though the loss was heavy this time, for his long-running stock god, short-term gains and losses were simply not enough to affect him, and many of his fans and Andy's brainless fans started arguing naturally.

Originally, when Andy had a moment, his brain powder was not torn twice, and every time he exposed the scandal, his brain powder would trample on the lady, and he couldn't help it.

However, for whatever reason, or because the old gangster really had a problem with Andy, Warren Buffett said a very classic word with a cold face after being blocked by a reporter.

“Gold is a chicken that won't lay eggs, and I won't buy it if it falls again! ”

In a noise, the farce also seemed to continue as journalists fueled and vinegared the argument, with the shark almost targeting Andy Smith.

Andy's heart was naturally very upset, and he didn't go back in the same way as he stepped on his tail. After all, the new guy he had been building was not a stunner. Of course, in Andy's view, the old hooligans did mean something to him.

But now that someone's talking, Andy can't stop, so Andy updated his photo wall with a long, chocolate-wrapped side photo.

Andy wanted a response like this, and he stopped ignoring the farce. After all, he was fighting Warren Buffett for money, and it didn't do him any good, and he didn't want to keep things fermented, but last night, while he was in Iceland with the two goddesses, Bill, chief investment officer of Pacific Asset Management. Gross suddenly jumped out and said a word on a financial show, burning the Internet into reality.

“Are many investors looking after gold and buying gold going to sell it when they hear Buffett say it, or scare the shit out of their asses, scared to death, unable to sleep at night? In fact, the success of Buffett and Soros is anachronistic, difficult to replicate, and Buffett is a god, but not a god of gold! ”

Having just learned about this from Alvetretto, it has caused a lot of noise in the major media in the United States. The better things have directly attached the name ’Golden God' to Andy's head, and a ‘VS Golden God' show has begun to open, which really makes Andy cry a little bit.

Andy doesn't know what Warren Buffett is thinking, but the golden futility theory has always been Warren Buffett's view, and in his investment philosophy, he admires the kind of assets that belong to cash NAI cattle, such as Coca-Cola, Rich Country Bank, American Express, P&G, Johnson & Johnson, insurance companies, etc. He thinks these companies are the chickens that lay eggs and can keep real-estate NAI cattle coming.

“Old hooligans, maybe you just want to promote a theory that demonstrates your investment, and use gold as a companion, but even if I want to step on it, it's a little too much...” Andy touched his chin, his eyes squinting, his smiling face mumbling.

Just as Andy was holding his bad heart and thinking about how to shade an old hooligan, his phone rang and looked down and frowned and asked, “Bud, it's late and you're not resting. What's up? ”

“Sorry, boss... ”

After hearing the CEO of his investment firm apologize, Andy frowned and listened to Budstone explain things, his face became incredibly brilliant, crying and a little sudden and ridiculous.

“Oh, surprise me, I thought something was going on, okay, tell them they did the right thing, do the right thing, and I'll give them a bonus!” Andy smiled softly and hung up after a few more conversations, his mouth curled with a mocking grin.

“I said, why are you beating me up, you old hooligan? It hurts! ”

Turns out a team at Andy Free City Investments spent $50 million on Buckhill Buffett. Hathaway shares, neither the members of the group nor Budstone had taken such matters seriously. After all, they had left more empty companies this year. Hathaway was not a floodbeast. It was untouchable. The price of Hathaway shares fell for six trading days in a row, making this financial group make a lot of money.

Perhaps that day Warren Buffett learned that he had Andy Smith in the air, and that the recent loss had been mocked by various media, making the old hooligans feel a little worse, the journalists blocked and the BO, allowing the god to say something about Xing.

Things should be pretty much like this, Andy guesses, but still laughs, and if it's just anger, things get to this point, and if it's sincere, the old hooligans can call him and talk to him, but they don't.

“Oh, don't worry, we'll see!” Andy's eyes became so bright that he knew better than anyone about the general trend of gold. When the gold continued to rise, he wondered if the face of this god would be swollen?