American Fortune Life

Chapter 1316: Shame on You (67/76)

New York, Monday, 17 November.

As usual, Jeff Imert walked into his luxury office, handed his trench coat to his secretary, and switched hands on Buttocks, whose little secretary was wrapped in a tight skirt, in exchange for a beautiful white eye.

Sitting on the chair of the boss symbolizing power, picking up the documents that had been placed neatly on the table, sipping a hot, aromatic cup of coffee and looking at the briefings sent by the various departments of the company.

Since the financial crisis exposed the risks involved in Welch's creation of the financial business, he, as CEO, has tried to reshape General Electric once again, hoping to transform it into a digital enterprise, once again leading General Electric to excellence and becoming a business owner as trusted by investors as Welch.

In the United States, it takes more than just one name for investors to have the potential to support a group enterprise. Amazon's Jeffrey Besos is the correct synonym for Wall Street today. So is Warren Buffett. Well, there's probably a younger Andy Smith now.

In fact, part of the reason behind General Electric's past success lies in the investor's unwavering trust in Welch, the legendary CEO. The owner always seems to be as accurate as a clock in hitting quarterly performance targets. And that pattern began to shake in his own hands as a successor, which he certainly did not want to see.

Instead of getting General Electric out of the mud, Warren Buffett's short-term infusion of money and Andy Smith's short-term help seemed to have made a tragic pit of Warren Buffett, but Andy Smith, a shameless guy, chose to run away when General Electric's share price rebounded, seemingly in a very good form, by selling whatever stock he had just bought.

Originally ridiculed by his short-sightedness, now it seems that the real fool became himself, remembering the other person's face with a fake sunshine, smiling handsome face, and that soft-hearted sound, Jeff had an urge to punch him hard.

Cough, too bad you can't beat that bastard!

Fortunately, however, he was holding onto something that the little bastards were snuggling at. Jeff had been biting, over-requesting, and forcing the other party to agree to the merger and acquisition of NBC Worldwide. He was very clear about Andy Smith's ambitions and his cards, and was not worried that the other party would abandon the merger and acquisition plan. After all, the three largest broadcasters in the United States, NBC Worldwide, were the only ones most likely to be merged and definitely belonged to scarce assets, and their general company was equally not worried about finding other buyers.

The downturn in the financial markets led to an irregular rise and fall in the United States' stock market, as was the case with mad cow disease, although General Electric's stock had fallen for eight consecutive trading days, and the stock price had fallen by about $3, although there had been no significant fall again, supported by good news from merger and acquisition negotiations.

Not like Citibank, which has become a laughingstock, the stock price is shaking at about $1, and everyone is watching the joke waiting for the ‘miracle’ of falling a dollar...

“Knock, knock...”

Quickly knocking on the door frowned Jeff, who was still thinking about the issue, and just raised his head and saw the company's chief market analyst, Quincy Cross, break in with a colorful push door.

“Boss, something happened... ”

Jeff's eyebrows were tighter, he reached out and sat down, but Quincy, with an unusually ugly expression, did not sit down, but said in a bitter and bitter tone: “Just now, our share price fell by three dollars and began to plummet, and the tracking result was that someone was running out of our stock and the other party was strong. ”

“Boss, Mr. Jinning has something important to see you... ”

“Jeff, just now the Andy Smith side called to inform us of the termination of the NBC Global M&A negotiations, accusing us of lack of good faith and refusing to pay liquidated damages, and will later prosecute us for wilful sabotage of the negotiations by General Electric. ”


“This son of a bitch!” Hearing this, Jeff Imert, even if he's an idiot, knows who's behind this, who's got a knife in his back, and this is the stock price of General Electric to die for!

Then, as explained by the company's chief analyst, he understood perfectly that it was a planned, premeditated act of emptying against xing. The time node chosen simply left them no way to fight back. After all, the economic data just released caused the global stock market to fall, and in panic, even if they spent money on the market, it was just a cup of water train salary, which had been given away by greedy monsters who had already opened their mouths.

Jeff picked up the phone in cold sweat and called General Electric's controlling boss, MG Chase, but unfortunately, the response made Jeff laugh completely and Toshi could disappear completely, but now is not the time for him to panic, grab the phone and take the two people in the office to the financial department quickly.

Looking at the red numbers that kept beating on the LCD wall, Jeff looked iron blue, his fists tight, his blues bursting, his lips shaking constantly. (U.S. shares are up green and down red.




By the time the stock price had plummeted to around 1.1, Jeff had finally lost his temper, "Starting a buy-back plan... ”


Jeff Yimert had some trembling fingers coming out of his pocket and his ringing phone didn't look prominent, his eyes staring straight at the red numbers in front of him.

“Hello, I'm Jeff Imert... ”

“Good morning, Mr. Imert, I'm Jean-Reno, and the thing is, we Vivandi... ”


“FXXK! You motherfuckers who deserve hell... ”

Jeff, who was also squeezing out a little smile, turned off the phone after hearing the other person say it quickly. His entire face was completely blackened. His expression dropped the phone directly on the wall, and he shook and roared. He held the table aside with his hand and let his shaky body support him.

Meanwhile, the LCD TV walls are split into two parts in the operating room of the Gaia Branch of London Financial Street, with video connections on the one hand and U.S. stock market data on the other.

Andy stood in front of the LCD TV wall with a pocket in his hand and a cup of coffee in his other hand, and behind him were all his eye-catching men, including Robert, Amahl and David Dunn, who came to witness a moment of excitement.

“Boss, Viwandi is out there. ”

Andy had a calm face, a curly corner of his mouth, a sunny smile, his eyes flashing, a sip of coffee, and then placed the coffee cup on the table beside him.


Pulled out his left hand in his pocket and patted it with his right hand, letting everyone's eyes focus on him, Andy watched Alvitelli and Budderstone on the big screen waiting seriously, behind them were hundreds of ready players.

“Run it down! ”

“Roger that, boss! ”

“Start selling! ”

It's cracking...

The loud keyboard sounds are clearly heard in the lounge of London's steering wheel, as well as all sorts of yelling for numbers with phones.

“$0.97! ”

The image is divided into two parts.

London, Andy arms around, Vivian chin, a smile of pride in the world;

In New York, Jeff was pale, sitting in a chair, looking bitterly back at the bloody red '0.97’ punctual number.

At the NYSE, all the traders opened their mouths, gazed up and looked down at the general electricity stock price of a dollar, the air seemed to be solidified and time frozen in general.

Since Thomas Edison was founded, it has grown rapidly into a brilliant multinational company, representing the benchmark of America's most sophisticated business model, America's great iconic corporation, General Electric, which has suffered a ‘shameful humiliation’ - the first and possibly only ‘fairy stock’ of the world's top 500 companies to fall $1!