American Fortune Life

Chapter 1378: Decent Matters

“I'm afraid it's more than embarrassing, boss, that the last piece of information suggests that two senior political advisers for O'Negro's campaign are suspected of being involved in this scandal!” Jon Micham grinned and reached out to help Andy find the information.

“Oh, shit, really! A future White House office TING director, a vice presidential campaign committee zhuxi, shh, now our O'Negro president is in trouble! ”

Andy took a quick look at one side of the content and couldn't help but burst directly into the kou gutter, but soon he grabbed his chin and sank and pondered the benefits it could bring him.

All of this information relates to the legal and illegal boundaries of political transactions in the United States. In the United States, a politician's political exchange involving posts was normally legal.

But the seller must have broken the law, didn't run away, the greedy Governor of Illinois is at the end of the road!

As for the newly elected O'Blackbull, it was inevitable that he would have to face outside questions and pressures. After all, the two men who had given him credit for his campaign had close ties to Governor Bragoyevich, the seller, and, in the recent past, very frequent contacts.

Andy knew, however, that this was essentially non-lethal for O'Negroes, and of course, it was okay to sell a personal favor to the new president.

“Let me have the stuff first, and I'll check it out quietly through other channels, and if something goes wrong, it's a fatal blow to us... “

Andy looked up for a while and stared across the street at Jon Micham, who was waiting for a decision, said.

“Okay, boss.” Jon Micham naturally would not object to the decision of the Great BOSS, as to whether the Great BOSS was really for verification or for other purposes, it was not his business.

Andy was very satisfied with his attitude towards the intelligent Jon Micham, and Andy Smith was not a stunner, a political scandal that had a lot of room to work for the Smiths.

Andy would definitely choose a governor whose interests were maximized and brought down for justice, and whose sense of justice was not as great as he had imagined.

Andy and Jon Micham then talked about something else and, of course, about the investigation into human trafficking, which Andy had a different attitude towards.

The dark side of the world, undeniably, is a lot. Andy also knows that, even if it exposes the full spectrum of human trafficking, it will not destroy this lucrative industry with a global network and may even make enemies.

But this‘ business', in Andy's view, is utterly ruined, inhuman, and whether or not he can destroy it, he has to do whatever he can, even if only for the kindness of his heart, so that his thoughts can be heard.

Jon Micham didn't seem to want to influence his big BOSS mood, so he didn't say anything very dark, just that reporters in the newspaper were working on tracking down information and evidence gathering.

“Let them be sure to be safe, and this group of animals who have no one to xing can do anything.” Andy never forgets the word.

“Rest assured, boss, they're all very experienced journalists who know how to protect themselves.” Jon Micham soothed.

To unlock the dark screen, a camera must be installed under the dark screen, and the journalist, who enters without emotion, must “see” it, because only if he sees it, will the dark screen be revealed and more people will be spared its damage.

It has to be acknowledged that the sense of justice is the driving force behind many journalists, who will not stop digging for changes in events. It is this constantly changing thing and information that keeps them alive with the idea and action of "I'm going to solve this thing", and it is this belief that underpins them without fear of danger and hardship, without hesitation to rush to the most dangerous places, in the face of corpses, in the face of situations of danger that many ordinary people will never see in their lifetime.

“Don't be financially stingy, they're all good, they can risk their lives for a covert visit, they're all heroes.” Andy said with a serious expression to Jon.

“Understood, boss, I thank you for them.” Jon also said with great solemnity that, I have to say, his big BOSS is really reliable.

Andy looked behind Jon Micham's back, and his thoughts were temporarily hard to reconcile. He remembered the first big scandal when he first took over The New York Observer, and what Pitt Kaplan said in his interview still made him remember.

“I know someone doesn't love me because I'm a journalist, but it's okay, I'm willing to protect the truth and be kind to you. ”

Looking at the information on the desk, Andy didn't hesitate to pick up the phone on the desk and dial it to his grandfather, Smith, who had no psychological burden on the governor of the donkey party to be turned over this time, and I'm sure Old Smith would be happy to see this happen.

Sure enough, when Old Smith found out the details, he paid a lot of attention and was happy that, although he had taken down the selling governor and no one like the party could get that position, Old Smith never cared about the governor's position, and he cared more about the throne of this Illinois senator.

Already in the vanguard, it would be much easier for your people to get a seat in the Senate.

“Oh, Andy, when are you going to publish? ”

“Wednesday's special issue, after all, is time-bound, and if the bomber loses patience, the other party re-selects the newspaper. ”

“So, there's one and a half days left, huh, enough, and it looks like I need to talk to our new president. ”

Andy listened to old Smith and couldn't help but smile, "Well, I'll pass on the information that Ram Emanuel and Jess Jackson were involved in in in a moment. ”

“Oh, good. By the way, just in time to ask, when are you going to have your engagement ceremony with Ivana? In a little while, I'm afraid it won't be appropriate. ”

Andy listened to Old Smith's reminder and couldn't help but turn a white eye before saying, "I want to be there on December 21st. ”

“Oh, and your birthday? Well, you haven't had a birthday party in two years, so let's celebrate together this year! And little Laura is beautiful and cute... ”

After another chat, Andy hung up and couldn't help but shake his head and laugh. To be honest, he didn't really care about his birthday, but the engagement ceremony with Ivana could not be delayed any longer.

We can't let Ivana hold her belly up for the engagement ceremony! The hypocritical idle classes in the upper class of society are more important for decency than anything else, and Andy doesn't care about those boring parasites chewing her head off, but he has to think about Ivana's feelings and future.

There is an insurmountable divide between ordinary people and uppermost societies, not only in the possession of wealth, but also in cultural control.

Invisible so-called qualities such as upbringing, upbringing, and decency in upstream society, these cultural factors are important indicators of the most important identity of upstream American society, the source of ‘superiority', and the means to resist the new wealth of society.

Sitting on the boss's chair, Andira opened the drawer, took out a picture book from it, looked over the super manor estate on Long Island for sale, and the engagement ceremony was naturally not so-so, which was no longer just about him and Ivana.

Although it's not a marriage, it's a huge event, but the guests who are invited to the engagement will also be rich or expensive, and it will be a big gathering for the upper classes of the United States.

He's not going to rent anything, just in time, and he needs to set up a place in New York with Ivana's Super Love Chao, and the Super Estate Mansion on Long Island, New York, is definitely the first choice.