American Fortune Life

Chapter 1402 Big Fish Eat Small Fish

Videoconferencing ended in a thrilling atmosphere among the crowd. After all, it was about a rich year-end bonus. After a busy year, we could finally have a rich Christmas.

The point is that the big boss is generous enough, and of course, Andy isn't really that generous, but unless he wants the SHUI bureau to take advantage of himself, he might as well use the money he should have paid to buy the loyalty of his own people.

Reasonably lawful tax avoidance is a means of operating an enterprise and an examination of the financial personnel of an enterprise.

In fact, Andy still does a decent job of tax avoidance, at least after reasonable tax avoidance, and all kinds of book liabilities are spread equally, he still pays some of the tax.

Although he could do anything legal without having to pay, after all, the eyes of the people were bright and, in addition to his reputation, if he didn't pay a penny of the tax, it would really be his biggest moral black spot.

When it comes to tax avoidance, Andy has to admire Starbucks, and the scale of tax avoidance and the means of avoiding it have been brutal to the point of heartbreak.

Starbucks has opened more than seven hundred branches in the UK since 1998, and its financiers have used a legitimate tax avoidance strategy to give it £2 billion in sales revenue while paying just over £4 million in income tax to the UK tax authorities.

As such, Starbucks also complained that the UK tax authorities did not allow deductions, but compared to the UK statutory corporate income tax rate of 30 per cent, Starbucks could hardly afford lower taxes.

In the words of Olympic Smith, "Financial reporting in the UK has always been a loss, without income tax, and in order to gain investor confidence, we can simply claim that our business in the UK is profitable on the US side and tell investors that sales are growing.

Although inconsistent with financial reporting in the UK, there is no evidence that we have violated the relevant laws in the UK, that we are perfectly legitimate, that we have always been law-abiding and good taxpayers... ”

You're so cheeky, so cheerful, so disgusting, I'm asking you if you don't like it!

Andy, who is emotional, is pulled back to reality by a suddenly lit video window on his computer monitor, and Alvitra's images appear in the video window alone.

“Come on, what's going on? ”

Andy slightly frowned at Alvitelli in the video connection, slightly frowned, and since Al wanted to report it to himself, I'm sure it wouldn't be a good thing.

Sure, and Andy guessed it was a pretty nasty thing.

“Boss, I just received a message that the Associated Press is preparing to report externally on a topic on investigating funds and expenditures in the financial sector. They visited 21 banks receiving more than $1 billion in government assistance and asked 4 questions. How much has it cost? Where are the flowers? How much is left? How do you spend the rest? As a result, none of the banks gave a clear answer.

It also includes the boss, Intake Bank. ”

“What's going on? Didn't I tell you to keep a detailed record of the basic accounts and flows of this aid? ”

Andy frowned, and he knew perfectly well that the United States Congress would set up a subprime mortgage crisis investigation committee after the financial storm, which meant much to settle accounts after autumn, so he had a long way to go, leaving behind detailed information and evidence on almost all of his dealings with the Treasury and the Fed.

You know, since the government issued a $700 billion bailout order for the financial sector, many people wonder where and how the taxpayer's money was spent by the recipient banks.

“The problem is, we didn't use this money, we've been using it as a reserve for Intake Bank...” Alvitelli had a slight corner of her mouth, but she looked like she couldn't help but cry.

“Cough... Well, there's really no way to make it public.” Andy laughed awkwardly too.

You know, the US Government's $700 billion financial rescue program is intended to inject funds into banks, including through government stock purchases, to stimulate bank borrowing and increase market flows.

To that end, Congress even brought the executives of major banks to Capitol Hill, where they were eager to lend actively, rather than having the money in their hands, or taking it for mergers and acquisitions or even for the benefit of executives.

At present, however, there appears to be no indifference on the part of the major banks. The Ministry of Finance, which is responsible for the allocation of funds, has never asked about the flow of funds.

“What does the Treasury mean?” Andy frowned slightly and asked, in fact, this is also an impossible thing, the tide of bank closure never stopped, no one dared to lend the funds in their hands easily, one by one raised the lending threshold, not to mention holding the cash to death for the cold winter, no one wanted to fall into the darkness before dawn, and be fed by other pushing forces.

“Paulson said they would monitor the use of the funds. I got a call this morning from Stephen Nurby, a member of the Financial Aid Program Oversight Team, Elizabeth. Warren's phone call, Incotec Bank must provide a description of the use of the funds within the required time frame. ”

“Oh, what I'm talking about, these guys, they're talking about turning their faces over, they're giving them what they want, and the money's not going back, and I'm going to use it to annexe those small and medium-sized banks that are going down, and let INTEREX reach out to the whole United States. ”

Andy laughed and said, "Let's face it, this is Washington curbing Paulson, the outgoing finance minister's bailout plan. You know, that $700 billion in bailout money, Paulson still has $360 billion in his hands, and this fat piece of meat, there's so many people staring at it.

Bipartisan, Congress, President-elect O'Blackbull, the new Cabinet, succeeded the Minister of Finance... Oh, why is Paulson now desperately reducing his presence, dying to shake the money in his hand and not spending it, because he knows that he would not have been very clean if he had spent it with no consequence, he would have faced the attack of all forces, the so-called immunity, and not necessarily kept him there!

But Paulson should also know that in a year, he spent $340 billion, and completely died of addiction!

As for how much he got, nobody knows, nobody can make it clear, there's immunity, there's a mess in the bailout account, who can make it clear!

As a vested interest, it's Andy, and I don't want Paulson to have a problem. Someone really needs to go over the old books and do something. He also has to stand in a camp with Paulson and find a way to break his outstretched paws!

A subprime mortgage crisis, tied together vested interests, including MG Chase, Mellon, Citigroup and dozens of banks and investment banks, will stab this hornet unless someone wants to die!

“As a result of the outbreak of the financial crisis and its lagging effects, a massive downturn in the United States banking sector began, with data analysis predicting a peak CH between the third quarter of 2009 and the third quarter of 2010.

Starting last November, the 202 banks that collapsed in the current financial crisis were mostly small and medium-sized banks with assets of less than $1 billion, or 81.84 per cent of the total, of which 40 with assets of less than $100 million, or 19.90 per cent of the total; on the contrary, only 10 large banks with assets of more than $10 billion, or 4.98 per cent, were rescued by the Government. ”

Alvitelli quickly reads Andy the contents of a document in his grip.

“What does FDIC mean?” Andy cares most about the company that has the power to decide on these bankrupt banks, and FDIC can never get around to taking advantage of them.

“Acquisitions and takeovers are the main ways in which FDIC deals with these small and medium-sized banks, which, I fear, are not yet eligible for the rescue and repayment of depositors.” Alvitelli tells the truth.

“Oh, well, let's play a game of big fish eating small fish and let their flesh nourish the growth of our Intai Bank!” Andy laughed happily and satisfied, and he loved the feeling that the ticket was holding, preferring to succeed step by step and go to its peak.