American Fortune Life

Chapter 1416 The Life of a Hangover Needs No Explanation, And Not a BUG!

“Well, I know... ”

Brad Gray, CEO of Paramount Film, hung up the phone and sighed with a tight eyebrow.

“NBC Worldwide belongs to Andy Smith. ”

The look on Adam Goodman's face at Paramount's dream factory, sitting across the street, was not surprising, after all, it was no surprise. He was naturally aware of Brad's concerns.

After the departure of experienced Sherry Lansing, Paramount's helmsman throne was given to Bradgrey, who had no experience in big movie companies, and at the beginning of his tenure in 06, Bradgrey grabbed the dream factory founded by Spielberg in 1994 from Worldwide for $1.6 billion.

Four of 2007's best-selling films, Shrek 3, Transformers, Bee Movie and Ice Knife, are from Paramount's Dream Factory, which also brings Paramount to the throne of champions.

However, Pillamont's contempt for Spielberg by Philip Dorman, CEO of Viacom, his parent company, led to a complete stalemate in the relationship between Bradgrey and Spielberg on the station team, and the farce between Pillamont and the dreammill division grew stronger.

Another Paramount printer, Tom Cruise's "Spy on the Disk" series, ended the partnership because of the friction between the two sides over the division of interests.

I thought I'd found another good friend. Marvel, the new box office engine, made a lot of money from Iron Man. There are many Marvel movies left to make money from.

At this time, however, Andy Smith, the owner of Marvel Group, completed the acquisition of NBC Global, and the Dead Face Global Film Industry became an asset of Andy Smith. How could Brad Gray be in such a hurry to see that it could be taken over for distribution to Marvel Films?

He was accompanied by “good friends" from the box office, and Paramount performed a series of chopping off the right arm of his left arm.

“It's no use thinking about it so much, and there's nothing we can do to stop Marvel from defaulting if they really want to take it back, but I'm sure there's no Marvel Group in Andy Smith's original plan to merge with NBC Worldwide. ”

Brad Grey heard Adam's consolation, and he shook his head and laughed, "That's a merger, because it's not entirely controlling, and clever as Andy Smith, how could he let the others split another glass?

Now, he swallowed up the entire NBC Global Group, a mockery bird copyright company with multiple IPs, and this year he may ask the top entertainment of the Ding House Champion Throne, as well as the Marvel Group of countless superhero IPs... Hey, Hollywood, it's gonna change! ”

“Is it really time for Andy Smith?” Adam Goodman's face was also slightly changed, and he was the one who experienced the Hollywood era with this monster octopus.

No one likes to live in the shadows of others!

Especially those of them who have felt that environment, the Hollywood tyrant era must never be repeated!

“Maybe we should talk to a few other companies sometime, and if he wants to be Howard Hughes, we welcome him, but if he wants to be Lewiserman, we need to do something together! ”

Adam Goodman's words made Brad Gray look at each other only lightly, but his heart's attention to Adam Goodman raised a little bit of a guard. You know, since he stood up for Philip Dorman, the current CEO of his team, he has become the nail in the eyes of the Thunderstone East family, and if he really caused Andy Smith's revenge, maybe the first person thrown out to carry the lightning was himself. A slight frown whispered, "Howard Hughes? ”

Howard Hughes, the Iron Man reality prototype, is a streamlined fuselage for life, zero resistance, money, fame, whatever you want.

A very dedicated, Hollywood female star who only liked "The Greatest Good Se People in the World," who once dated more than 80 girls at the same time, almost every American female star had a tui with him, slept all over Hollywood, had 164 star girlfriends...

Rich, famous, talented, good-looking, really has a lot of similarities, and likewise it's all very flowery, likes female stars, and as an insider, Brad Gray doesn't think Andy Smith's rumors are media bullshit.

“Talk to him first, learn about his attitude, and tomorrow night at the top of the Four Seasons Hotel to entertain a celebration party for The Ghost Record may be an opportunity.” Brad Gray said with a bitter smile on his face.

“The most lucrative movie ever made was The Haunted Book, which was super inexpensive, and the $243 million global box office. Damn, it was so eye-catching. Even Buffett, the stock god, couldn't create a miracle, but it was done by a small cost movie. ”

Adam Goodman across the street is also a company laughing and shook his head. The $15,000 cost film has become a legend, breaking not only the global box office of Witch Blair, but also taking away the most profitable halo of all time.

At the same time that peak entertainment is overwhelming, let Andy Smith's new Hollywood gatekeeper, Fatty Carl, be the hottest pusher in Hollywood, producer, Cana!

“Hey, maybe it's God's will!” Adam Goodman lamented helplessly.

Brad Gray also shook his head in a terrible way, and to be honest, most of Hollywood's movie companies were pounding their chests and crying at the corner of the wall at the height of entertainment in preparation for the celebration. You know, the DVD for this movie was received, but it was thrown in the trash can.

Honestly, if Andy Smith hadn't completed the acquisition of NBC Worldwide, I hope to communicate with each other. Brad Gray definitely didn't want to go to this celebration. It was so heartfelt and envious!

He believes other companies used to think the same thing, but now I'm afraid this celebration will be a popular bar in Hollywood.

Stepping into the sunset, under a golden yellow light, Andy quickly climbed onto the suspended ladder and walked into his aerial palace, waiting to take off and fly to Los Angeles.

“ Okay, no more chatter, the plane's about to take off, I'll be there in an hour and a half, heh, as long as you do it, it's delicious, to be honest, I'd rather eat you... Oh, well, hang up. ”

Andy raised his mouth, hung up, turned off his phone, fastened his seat belt, and waited for takeoff.

He was going to work in San Francisco and flew to Los Angeles the next day, but after receiving a text from Gergado, his mind was just as scratched by the cat's paws. He couldn't stop thinking about the Wonder Woman's Fieldhead. He didn't hesitate to put the plane on standby and rushed to the airport.

"isshewithyou"? "Wonder Woman's BGM, looking forward to tonight's adventure, the more shaky Andy laughed after a sense of weightlessness.


Andy unbuckled his seat belt and walked through the corridor laid by the premium carpet into his oversized transparent bathtub, reaching out and pressing the button, turning the bottom of the bathtub into a high-altitude looking car dragon with a flashing San Francisco image.

“Boom! Wow - haha, Nima, it's killing me... ”

Taking off her clothes and jumping into the bathtub, Andy felt the thrill of falling directly at high altitude, his heart suddenly grabbed, but when his feet fell, the feeling of stepping on his feet made him laugh happily ever after.

Two or three times in a row of good news made Andy feel so much happier at the moment, that he felt like he was doing everything he could. Oily, well, it just got a little swollen!

“Handsome appearance, countless riches, talented, famous, ready to sleep with Hollywood female stars. Tsk, dude, that's kind of the limit a man can have, haha... ”

There is no need to explain life, not to mention BUG!