American Fortune Life

Chapter 1417: The acquiescence of Gergado

A ray of early morning sunlight shines through the gap between the curtains into the bedroom, and the special fragrance that emanates from the ex-artistic bedroom, with its large blank and black predominantly hues, allows Andy to open his eyes and breathe deeply, feeling how wonderful life is.

Gently caressing his bear waist, he pillows on the back of Gargado's delicate luminous hua, sleeping in his arms, his mouth raised, a slight smile, his head lowered on Gargado's forehead and kissed him, tightening his arms.


Kato, with her eyes closed, softly opened her sleeping eyes and looked up at her face, looking down at her Andy, chun curling up the corner, revealing her signature, healing sweet smile.

“Good morning, darling. ”

“Oh, good morning, can we not laugh in the morning?” Andy looked close to the sculptural, sophisticated, three-dimensional five officials, helpless laughing, and he had no resistance to the magical smile of Kato, who often laughed at her indiscriminately.

“Hey, hey--”

Kato looked at Andy's helpless expression, wondering what he had in mind, smiled happily again, brilliantly cute, arms wrapped around Andy's neck and kissed him on the cheek.


Andy stretched his hand at her butterfly Buttocks, and he couldn't help it, and he threatened viciously: "The next time I play tui, I'll laugh and I'll kill you! ”

“Pff-- hey... ”

“Sorry. darling, I can't help it, you look really disgusting, huh... ”

Perhaps the laughing point of Kato was really low, watching YuWU laughing all the time in his arms, Andy was directly smiled at, a flipped over, high up, fierce and laughing cute Kato looked at.

“Monster Jing, dare I say I'm disgusting? ”

“Oh, dare not, please, darling, I really dare not, don't... ”

The begging for forgiveness stopped, and the magical laughter was replaced by other strange tones.

“Honey, breakfast is ready and ready to eat... ”

Wearing a white camisole shirt, a white T-back, with a satisfying sweet smile on Kato's bright, beautiful face displaying a double-slim, slender, large white TUI, he protruded from the open kitchen and shouted at Andy, who was sitting on the couch reading a magazine.


Indeed, the plan of the day is in the morning, morning practice helps the body and mind to rejoice!

Andy, dressed all over Stuart, closed his "Famous Fields" and looked at the photo of British actress Kate Winsletter on the cover, Buttocks was stunning, and although she was questioned by PS, she showed up with a full LU on the back of her new film, Reader, proving it was “real material”.

“Tsk... ”

“What are you looking at? So intriguing...” Kato walked behind Andy curiously, holding his neck behind his back and looking at the magazine in his hand.

“You guys...” Seeing Kate Winslett's xing-like cover, Kato chewed Andy's ear in a disgusting delicacy.

“Don't be ridiculous...” Andy still had the magazine in his hand, holding on to Gado's waist behind him with his opposite hand, stood up directly and walked behind her back into the restaurant in Gado's delicate voice.

“Wow, you've made great progress in cooking! ”

Look at the SE-line delicacies on the table, like pockets, filled with smoked chicken, barbecue, eggs, falafel, fresh vegetables, and sour cucumber pita. Eggs are baked with ingredients such as tomato sauce, onions and red pepper, zinc, a lap of national sauce like ice cream, Homs, and Andy pats little Buttocks on the back of Adore, amazing.

“Giggle... How about a try? I'll get you some orange juice.” When he landed, Kato pressed Andy against the dining chair, smiled sweetly on his face, took two clear glasses from the bar, poured fresh orange juice out of the juicer, and walked back, placing one of them in front of Andy, sitting beside Andy himself, his eyes bent over into his lunar teeth, and happily watched Andy eat her cooked pizza.

“Perfect! Don't be so special.” Andy frowned satisfied with the admiration.

“Oh, of course, our culinary culture has lasted for 3,000 years, thinking that it has been scattered around the world, experiencing waves and returns to its homeland, while also bringing back the geographic marks that everyone has lived in.

Similar European, Latin American, North African, Middle Eastern and Asian styles blend with dietary habits to create today's diverse and distinctive flavors known as "melting pots”. ”

Kato smiled proudly, introducing Andy as he took a shovel and took the egg dish out of the pan and put it on the plate in front of Andy.

“Actually, the best food is in the crowded and noisy Carmel market, where I used to love to go for all kinds of bright food... ”

“Mm-hmm.” Andy swallowed the food, grabbed the orange juice and took a sip, laughing. "I'm really looking forward to tasting the food, so maybe I should go to Tel Aviv sometime. “

“How about next year's Passover? It's our biggest festival, and we can eat traditional roasted lambs, and everybody walks out of the house, and it's fun everywhere...” The smile on Kado's face grew brighter and brighter, with a pair of beautiful eyes smiling into moon teeth, excitedly introducing Andy to the festive atmosphere.

“Um... April, right?” Andy looked at Gado with joy, eating his food, pondering and laughing in Gado's gaze of anticipation: “Well, if nothing important happens then. ”

“Wonderful! Thank you, darling, you'll love it there, I promise.” Kato laughed very happily, reaching over Andy's neck, kissing him in the mouth, excited to say.

“Huh.” Andy tian had a lower lip and smiled drowningly, "don't forget the celebration tonight. ”

“Oh, I had a date with the designer yesterday, and I'll pick out the dress in a minute.” Kato said with a sweet smile, picking up a pita pie and biting it, wiping the sauce off his mouth chun with his fingers, and tian lowered his fingers.

“I have arranged an interview for you with the Los Angeles Times, and the fans were very impressed with your performance in 007, taking advantage of the heat to do more publicity. There's an oil parcel, but I'm still a little upset.” Andy looked at Kato and said a little whispered.

"You weren't like that when I sent you the picture! ”

Looking at himself provoking his left eyebrow, a provocative pair of Kato, Andy coughed twice, very shamelessly, said: "Didn't I not sleep you yet, then it was an appreciative attitude, can it be the same now? You belong to me... ”

“Ugh! annoying man xing chauvinism, watch out for the guy.” Kato frowned and looked at Andy softly.

“Unsmoked demon jing...” Andy, who had his hat snapped, threatened with some shame.

“Pfft -” Gergado glanced at the eyebrows and didn't care about Andy's threat at all, just being rubbed by MO on the ground.

“ ”Seeing Kato's despicable arrogance, Andy pulled the corner of his mouth unconsciously and was despised by this little Birch.

In front of the cap mirror, Kato carefully tied Andy's tie, tidied his shirt collar, curled his mouth, nodded satisfactorily, reached out and patted off the claw of Lushan, making a strange dishonest claw, and picked a frown and said: "Okay, let's go. ”

Andy lowered his head and Giardo kissed, holding her slim waist and walking to the door, "I'll pick you up this afternoon. ”

“Well, come on, stop it.” Kato pushed his cheeks away and buried his face in her swan-like pink neck. Andy reached out and opened the door, "If someone caught you, you're fucked. ”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha!” Andy picked his eyebrows slightly, looking like I wasn't afraid.

Gargado's arms wrapped around him, his left eyebrow lifted like a smile, his mouth raised, watching Andy play 13 in front of himself, laughing: “Why don't I yell? ”

“Cough, I'm leaving, honey, to pick you up this afternoon.” Andy coughed softly, smiling and kissing Dodo again, then turned around and pulled the door open, quickly walking through the apartment hallway under the cover of a bodyguard.

Probe looked at Andy's back and smiled, closing the door and walking into the hat room. In a joyful mood, unknown tunes heard from Andy, he couldn't take off his clothes from the hanger and stood in front of the mirror with a smile.