American Fortune Life

Chapter 1422: An Empire and Times Revealed

Several of Hollywood's biggest movie companies, apart from Universal Film, now have very complex feelings about Andy, with no one refusing to work with him with a lot of IP in their hands, and they're unwilling to be stepped on by him who owns Universal Film. And maybe in the future, they'll come together and trip down to show rejection and anxiety.

But no matter what they're worried about, Andy Smith, a rich, well-off super rich man, has joined the game, and what's worse, even without Universal Film, there's a tendency for a single, newly established peak entertainment to beat their teeth.

Showdown to Pull Valley, Garage Surprise, Dance Out of My Life 2, Beauty and the Ugly Aunt, Breaking Chu Journey, Scary Plan, Sister di Love, Never Retreat, Bomb Squad and a dozen other movie screenings, let the peak entertain this new company stand firm in the Hollywood crowd.

A $15,000 Haunted Records global box office exceeds $200 million, making six of Hollywood's biggest colors bleak.

The key is still next year, the Hurry 4 series, "Superman for All" and "Twilight City" series are all commercial films. Hollywood film companies are well aware that these films have been made long ago, and they were all suppressed by the peak entertainment to prepare for the Summer Gear of Hegemony 09, so ambitious that everyone would have a headache for them.

Not to mention, Andy Smith has not only a new noble peak entertainment, but also a three-foot Marvel group that covets all movie companies, especially after the Iron Man sweeps the global box office, the Magic Green Giant, whose secondary return IP relies on the box office to recover its costs, Marvel Group has become one of the most delicious fat pieces.

Look at the little spider. Didn't the X-Men earn a pot full of pot?

The most frustrating part at the time was undoubtedly Disney Cinema CEO Dick Cook, who knew that their chances of Disney wanting to annex Marvel had been completely lost and that Andy Smith, who owned Universal Cinema, would never be an idiot enough to sell Marvel Cinema and break his arms.

Thinking of adding Marvel superhero themes to the Global Theme Park would attract the attention of all the boys, Disney would be breastpounding up and down, and you could imagine that the future Global Theme Park would fight the Disney Chamber, taking over the boys' market on the one hand and the girls' market on the other.

Warner, who owns DC cartoons, naturally made the Universal Film Industry their biggest competitor in the future, not to mention Marvel Wings, the first time.

Nothing was more embarrassing than Paramount, who thought he could make a fortune on the Marvel Rise Express, and suddenly discovered that he could get kicked out of the car halfway, which made him meow.

And with Sony Columbia, who has been obsessed with Marvel, the real headache has been that since Andy Smith's annexation of Marvel, negotiations have never stopped pushing them to give up some of the spider's interests.

They are so helpless to be harassed. Once the little spider movie is sold, Marvel negotiating team must come to the door. A pair of Nima won't give us a point, so we fight the face of the law to overthrow the agreement, which is so rogue.

There's no way, Sonny can only make a profit if he meets this scoundrel. Though he's not afraid to fight, it's expensive to fight, and they don't want to get into trouble with Marvel. Can't they see that the uncompromising 20th Century Fox was forced to cry and protest?

I have to say, Andy Smith led Marvel is so shameless, so disgusting, X-Men comics have been completely distorted by Marvel, people set up a collective disk, dead and crippled, completely a pair, Nima, no money, right, everyone stop playing with their faces, and not just talk about threats, they are actually doing death to destroy themselves.

Sonny and 20th Century Fox are really scared of this personality, eggs and deadly animals!

Watch and talk to Paramount CEO Brad Grey about Laughing Andy Smith, the handsome young super-richman, the business genius who's about to become their new owner of NBC Global, Adam Ferguson, acting president of Universal Film Industry, standing next to Andy with a smile on his face, his mood and thoughts are also difficult to calm down, excited and cynical.

The original president was recalled by General Electric after the deal was initialled, and Adam Ferguson, acting president of Gaia's NBC Global team, signed by Andy Smith, fully chaired the day-to-day operations of the global film industry.

Although he had just taken up his post, he was originally the president of NBC Global International and was mainly responsible for the promotion and distribution of overseas film markets. He was not unfamiliar with the work of the global film industry, and his work began soon.

He knew that the key to removing the surrogate prefix was to be able to make a smooth transition around the world and put a stable company in the hands of the new boss.

When Andy talked to Adam Ferguson alone after a chilling conversation with the film companies' CEOs, Andy said just one thing and was the only one asking for this acting CEO.

“All around the world, keep the name of the most robust studio in the film industry! ”

Adam Ferguson was also greatly relieved. To be honest, his biggest concern was the young boss's Disney routine. After all, he had a lot of IP, and the construction of the theme park was still a very attractive project.

But for Universal Film, it's kind of backwards, and it turns out, the new boss's pace in business is really very robust.

“By the way, the Rapid Motivation series should be handed over to Globe for distribution in the future. Twilight City and the People Superman can also participate in the release. After all, the peak entertainment is still lacking, and maximizing benefits is the most important thing. ”

Andy held the champagne, stretched his hand around the slim waist of Gergado, who had been smiling sweetly, keeping quiet, and said to Adam Ferguson, not caring at all about the reality that the acquisition deal had not yet been formally completed.

“Understood, thank you, boss.” Nor does Adam Ferguson care that Andy hasn't officially owned NBC Worldwide, but rather has a very direct response from the dog legs, "he said.

“In the future, I will further integrate film resources, and it is inevitable that peak entertainment will be integrated into the global film industry, including Weinstein Film. I hear Spielberg and Paramount have fallen apart. Didn't we have a great time working with the director?

Go get in touch and see if it's possible to pull him over to us. And the Dream Factory animation, the Transformers have no less global influence than Harry Potter. ”

“Okay, boss.” Adam Ferguson did not say anything, and immediately responded that he had learned about the young new boss he was going to serve from all sides. Although the new boss would give great autonomy to his people, likewise, the young boss was very strong in controlling YU and he did not like his people against his will and decision.

“Wait a minute, I'll introduce you to someone...” Andy glanced at Adam with satisfaction and then waved at Carl, who couldn't reach far.

Carl walked over with champagne, smiling and walking fast. Adam and Carl didn't have much contact, but they weren't new. After all, Carl spent several months on the NBC Global Board of Directors. He brushed his presence insanely, causing the group to panic and not want to know each other.

“Carl is busy, and if some resources are available around the world, you have to help.” Andy showed with the glass, both of them raised their glasses and touched them gently, and Adam would naturally not refuse Andy's orders.

Adam also knows that Carl is the Hollywood spokesperson for the new boss, and has the trust of the new boss, especially since this fat guy Carl himself is capable, and the rise of Hollywood is astonishing, after all, that some things can't be done with money alone.

Greedy bloodsuckers, littered with stone, new gatekeepers Fat Carl has replaced Harvey, who was shouted at by everyone, and has become a ‘big shot' in Hollywood. Although Carl's achievements and halo need to accumulate at this point, he is far from achieving Harvey's career achievements, but behind Andy Smith's giant tree, everyone knows that Carl's complete replacement for Harvey is only a matter of time, because Hollywood forces also need a new gatekeeper!