American Fortune Life

Chapter 1484: Success? I was just on my way.

To be honest, in recent years, all six of Hollywood's major players, more or less, have begun to go downhill, and in the face of their plight, each of the six major players has embarked on two completely different trajectories - one death and the next, and one river is in peril.

The former stands for Disney, while the latter stands for Salted Fish Pie Ramon.

The Universal Film Industry, which has been sold many times, has no place to go, even though it has salted fish pie ramon soles, so this global “save” campaign must begin.

For Andy Smith today, his entertainment media layout has been completed, and it's only a matter of time before this new entertainment media empire moves to glory.

With thousands of cartoon characters under Marvel, NBC, a powerful propaganda machine, embracing Universal Film, a 76-year-old, sedimentary IP gold mine, Universal Film has plenty of resources to tap into in film content.

Plus, NBC Worldwide has complete industrial chains - media networks, theme parks, film and television entertainment, consumer goods and interactive entertainment - so that NBC Worldwide's IP can continuously flow and add value within the industry chain.

Having a rich IP that keeps it flowing throughout the complete industrial chain is what Andy Smith expects most of all from the "Round Income Model Inner Circulation Matrix” that he's been working on, well, more simply, the eco-cycling system.

Andy knows his shortcomings in corporate management and never intends to interfere with the day-to-day operations and management of companies without his own knowledge. If his entertainment media empire is to grow, the unity of his company's management and the entrepreneurial spirit of the CEO are paramount.

For a mega-sized enterprise, the corporate governance structure certainly does not belong to one person, but in the creative industry, entrepreneurs and artists alike, the CEO's vision and its full allocation of power do have a profound impact on the fate of film companies, including the six major players.

Andy was very satisfied with Robert Fremann, the CEO, and Robert Fremann played a crucial role in the rise of peak entertainment, which is why he made Robert the CEO of Universal Film.

It took almost two hours for the first company meeting to conclude. Andy sat relaxed on the couch in the president's office, smiling and saying to Adam Ferguson and Robert Fredman, who were sitting opposite him.

“What do you think of pulling the dream factory onto our chariot? ”

Robert Fredman glanced at Adam Ferguson, who guessed at lunch that the Big BOSS had this in mind, and was not so surprised to hear it now.

“Boss, do you want Dream Factory to be a subsidiary or a partnership?” Robert Fredman asked.

“Partnerships, the New Dream Factory no longer has a library, some are just some shooting projects and a few films being made, so the acquisition is not worth much.” Andy smiled and said.

Adam Ferguson and Robert Fredman nodded with a deep sense that the most valuable and valuable thing about a movie company is that without a library, an empty shell company is not attractive to the global film industry.

“The company currently has a total of 2,585 issuers, 1,401 in Los Angeles, 404 in London offices and 780 in the rest of the world, and 16 offices worldwide with Paramount and 31 offices with other third parties.

Coupled with the release channels for peak entertainment, this gives companies a great deal of influence and control over global distribution.

However, because of the current saving policy, the distribution system has not been run to the maximum, and Dream Factory is undoubtedly an extraordinary creative team that, if they could join our chariots, I believe, would allow the global film industry to operate more efficiently using every resource.

According to the data, global performance has grown by more than 90 per cent in recent years on the international market, and it can be seen that a strong international distribution system will also be a strong guarantee of high box office earnings. ”

Robert Fredman has had a deep understanding of Andy, the big BOSS, for over a year. While young Big BOSS can give full trust and autonomy to its subordinates, it is absolutely self-defeating if you really want to think you can help Big BOSS make a decision.

When Big BOSS asked for advice, there was a decision, and all they needed was more detailed data from their subordinates to support or verify that his final decision was correct.

As Robert Fredman, who had personally experienced the whole process of entertainment at the top of the nest, would never be smart or disrespectful of Big BOSS, he knew that his young boss was not a normal harsh way of doing things.

“Hmm.” Andy nodded with satisfaction, silenced and said with a smile, "So I'll have a chat with Steven, and if I can talk to him, I'll leave the negotiation to you two. ”

“Good boss. ”

When Andy smiled and said to Robert Fredman, "The three Korean actresses I came with were newly signed by my brokerage firm, and if they had the right character, they were also actors from their own brokerage firm. ”

“Understood." Robert Fredman took his face seriously, and he was used to it. In the past year or more, most of the top entertainment films, most of the female partners were actresses of the new power company, and he also knew that his boss, Xingzi, could make the boss happy, was what his subordinate needed to do.

Take whomever's money, eat whomever's food, and serve whomever you want for a long time!

“Boss, I've spoken to Tom Cruise, and he's very enthusiastic about the olive branches we stick out, and I'm sure he'll agree to work with us in no time, but he wants to meet with you... ”

Adam Ferguson laughed when Andy finished his coffee, looked at the watch, and was about to get up and leave.

“No time," Andy refused, not even thinking about it. "Tell him we want to work with him in good faith. ”

Adam Ferguson heard the boss, and just nodded and laughed. Since 2006, under the influence of negative news, Tom Cruise's career has changed considerably. To ensure that smaller films can finish shooting, he has cut his pay consecutively.

The Universal Film Industry now stretches out its olive branches to him, undoubtedly a much-needed opportunity to meet Big BOSS, just Tom Cruise's ridiculous pride, and hopes to send a message to the outside world that he is also a Hollywood pet.

“Though wildly greedy, Tom Cruise is indeed a powerful calling room star that Hollywood currently lacks.

There's nothing wrong with short-term cooperation, as long as he feels he's out of trouble, he'll definitely develop a solid state. ”

Robert Fredman, who had a long contact with Tom Cruise, smiled.

“Then trap him with a contract, and I'm sure he won't reject the slightly harsh conditions.” Andy raised his mouth with a slight smile, stood up from the couch, dragged his jacket up and said softly.

Leaving the president's office, they came to the adjacent lounge and saw Sun Yizhen's three girls, who were drinking coffee and chatting, before they took an electric car and toured the entire Universal Studios.

“Tired? How are you feeling after a lap? ”

“How could I be tired if I didn't walk in the car?” Han Caiying shook his head and laughed.

“The only regret is that time is running out and not a single entertainment project is playing. I really want to play all the projects over and over again.” Sun Yizhen put down the coffee cup and stood up, saying somewhat depressingly.

“In Korea, there is no chance to play freely on the playground, or we can play together tomorrow.” Han Jia's eyes blinked, equally with some anticipation.

“Oh, you can play any time you want, let's go, I'll take you to the food compensation.” After Andy finished laughing, he turned around and followed closely.