American Fortune Life

Chapter 1493 The Art of Trading (1/4)

Washington, D.C., opposite the White House, in the famous “haunted” Hyadams Hotel, prepares for the 20th inauguration of O'Negroes sitting at the desk with his arms on the desk and a phone in his hand.

“Oh, don't tell me you can't attend my inauguration? ”

Just listen to Andy laugh on the phone and say, "How could I fly back to the States, finish your ceremony, and then return to continue my Pacific Rim voyage?

How's it going? Ha ha... “

Listen, Andy has some flirtatious jokes, O'Blackbull shook his head and laughed. For himself and his family to stay at The Haunted Hotel, the media can't be high enough and their team's decisions have worked as expected.

“Hi, Andy, I'm the President-elect of the United States of America, and I'm not afraid. ”

Joke over, smile over, O'Negroes didn't forget the purpose of calling Andy Smith, and said, “Andy, economists from all political backgrounds agree that if we don't act quickly and boldly, we may see a worse economic downturn, which could lead to double-digit unemployment and make the American dream even harder to achieve. ”

In the Pacific Ocean, the Fast Silver is like a windward, winged swan that flies smoothly on the water.

Andy smiled and nodded, taking the coffee Taylor had brought to him, watching Taylor wink with his big eyes, sitting curious, staring at himself, was also forced to smile and shake his head, did not hide her, there was no secret anyway.

“The danger to the United States economy lies in excessively rigid adherence to orthodox measures. At a time of severe economic crisis, the inadequacy of orthodox economic rescue measures will be proven. ”

O'Negroes' very distinctive voice came from satellite phones: "" That is why we need a United States economic recovery and reinvestment plan that not only increases employment opportunities in the short term, but also stimulates economic growth and competitiveness in the long term. ”

Andy listened to O'Blackbull reveal the general content of his economic incentive plan, stating that his plan's primary goal was “to create 3 million jobs, 80 per cent of them in the private sector”. “Long-term investments” in infrastructure, etc., updating the United States health-care system and establishing “21st Century” learning institutions.

“The total amount of the plan is expected to be between $675 billion and $775 billion. My Panel of Economic Advisers believes that if the crisis is to be overcome, at least $1 trillion needs to be invested... ”

Andy heard the number exposed by O'Negroes, and he pulled the corner of his mouth. This guy is really fine with Sanbao Palace! It is conceivable that this fiscal stimulus will definitely cause the deficit in the United States fiscal deficit to soar by more than $1 trillion in 2009, more than double the deficit in '08, and it is inevitable that Congress will be blocked.

Indeed, the real purpose of the O'Negroes was heard on the satellite phone, "I will meet with the leaders of both parties in Congress over the next week to get them to accept the plan. ”

Andy covered the toilet phone and said softly to Tyler beside him: "Go help me with that fruit snack. ”

Smart Taylor naturally knew what Andy was going to say, didn't feel unhappy and hesitate, nodded quickly and got up and walked into the cabin.

Andy put the phone back in his ear and frowned and asked, "Have you ever thought about the fiscal deficit without a package of measures to reduce it?

You want to come inside your transition team and have a disagreement about the content of the program? ”

“ ”

After a brief silence across the phone, the O'Negroes couldn't help but laugh: “You're right, that's one of the factors that I'm worried won't work out, but, Andy, if the U.S. economy recedes further, it will lead to double-digit unemployment, and if the economic crisis isn't resolved as soon as possible, four years from now, my path to re-election will become more difficult. ”

Andy frowned slightly, silently, his mouth slightly raised, his lips quietly silently, waiting patiently.

“Andy, this will be an unprecedented stimulus programme investment, including a short-term revitalization of the United States economy, investment in long-term sustainable growth, and the implementation of key commitments made during the campaign in the areas of health care and alternative energy.

Doubling renewable energy production in the United States and repairing damaged roads and bridges were among the top priorities of the plan.

In addition to providing incentive subsidies of $250 to $2600 per low-carbon vehicle, the Innovation Strategy will also encourage consumers to purchase electric cars, with a total government tax credit of up to $75 billion. ”

When he heard the dry stuff O'Negroes took out, Andy tian had his lower lip, his eyes squinting slightly, and he said softly, “What can I do? ”

“Tomorrow, I will meet with the leaders of both parties in Congress to discuss the adoption of this economic stimulus package as soon as possible. Congress is urged to act“ swiftly and boldly ”to adopt this fiscal stimulus programme aimed at boosting the shrinking United States economy. ”

Andy laughed silently. Since the Donkey Party took the upper hand, O'Blackbull's election to the presidency has not been as easy to unite the two parties as he thinks it is to change the division of American politics. Instead, the divisions between the two parties have become more serious and they are pulling back each other's legs.

Especially after Old Smith became an elephant party leader, in the 2010 midterm elections, he was bound to take back most of the seats in both houses of the Senate and, more recently, the elephant party has been very strong on the aggressive battlefield.

From the Christmas revelation of Tennessee elephant party leader Saltzman, who distributed a Christmas gift CD to all members containing racially discriminatory meanings and adapting the political racist wave of songs (O'Blackbull, the magical nigger), it was really hard to escape with a "no harm" political sense of humor. O'Blackbull wanted to get cheap in Congress.

“The current economic downturn does need to be addressed as soon as possible to stimulate economic growth and enhance competitiveness. ”

Given the benefits, Andy would naturally not refuse to help, and he was confident that the plan would eventually be adopted, although it would take a long time to plunge into a multifaceted game of compromise.

And O'Blackbull, the new president, started to burn a few fires in the attitude of the Savior after taking office.

“However, it may be unrealistic for this fiscal stimulus programme to arrive on 20 January. ”

“Hey, I understand that too, but the most important thing right now is to get started as soon as possible, time is running out.

By the way, Andy, are you Teslas considering expanding your production capacity? A new factory? ”

Andy picked an eyebrow and smiled softly: “It is true that this consideration has been taken into account, that the development of our second car product, ModelS, is on track, and that we have not been proactive, but everything is still under investigation. Why do you care? Any good advice? ”

“Detroit... ”

“Sorry, I can't help you! ”

Andy turned a white eye and interrupted O'Negroes' text directly, “We are an IT company, not a traditional automotive industry, and Detroit has no appeal to us. ”

“All right, all right, workers, you always need it! ”

“Not for now, and I don't have any feelings for auto union people, sorry they played Detroit! ”

Andy whispered, grinning, ridiculous.

“Oh, well, then, I won't disturb your vacation, I'll wait for your good news. ”

When he heard that O'Blackbull was laughing helplessly, Andy didn't care. He knew that O'Blackbull didn't dare offend the Automotive Union. That was second only to the giant bully of the Rifle Association, holding a large number of votes in his hand.

And O'Blackbull's interest in Detroit is not out of any concern. You know, the automobile union is not only paying a lot of money for O'Blackbull's campaign, but actively contributing.

Even through media statements, incitement to public opinion, creation of a public opinion base to support O'Negroes, massive posting or circulation of campaign slogans and leaflets, and massive advertising against competitors McCain.

Hanging up the phone, Andy laughed a little bit, and Tesla kept the auto union out, not only acknowledging them, but giving them no chance at all to get involved in Tesla.

Andy is not used to them. As the world has witnessed, the automobile union is already notorious. Let them rot slowly with the fall of Detroit!