American Fortune Life

Chapter 1546 Feng Shui and Science

Watching as she spoke in front of herself, Andy could not help but feel emotional in her heart that she was one of the luckiest people in the world today, and that she also embraced almost all the benefits that God could give a person. Look, career, money, she should have everything.

Well, although marriage and family are not happy.

He Dynasty Dome is not as “super poor” as the name. This beauty, born with a golden spoon, does not live a safe and relaxing celebrity life. After decades of hard work, she has achieved a very huge achievement. She is also a strong woman in the business world who can rely on her family, but rely on talent to escape her cage.

$500 million, 11.5% stake.

Such a large sum of money is no small sum for a gambling king, and, you know, at a time of global financial crisis, landlords don't have any surplus food.

But these aren't the things Andy needs to think about. Now that Hado has subscribed for $500 million in shares, all he has to do is see the money in his company's account before the Jeju Island casino project deadline.

By agreeing to cooperate, they naturally became ‘their own people'. After a full lunch, Andy and Li Xiaoying left HK at the repeated invitation of He Dynasty and stepped onto the land of AO Gate.

As the motorcade passed through the historic Portuguese Shock Hotel and Casino, Andy looked through the windows like a birdcage and thought of a well-known rumor, smiling and turning to ask Choi Shao: “I hear that all the casinos at the ao gate have Feng Shui Bureau, Yongli, Venetians are not free, Portuguese Shock is designed to hide many Feng Shui Xuan machines? This birdcage was built to look tall? ”

When he heard Andy's question, Choi's face changed slightly, and he was really somewhat surprised that Andy knew so much about the culture of Heaven and Dynasty. Although he is a little unclear about Fengshui, after all, he is a deviant himself, and the Fengshui Xuan Machine in the Hong Kong ao area is also deeply rooted, but faced with the inquiry of his new boss, he can only complain, fortunately, Wang Qianjin did not take the same car.

“That's true, it was a feng shui layout pointed out by a tall man that was designed to make the dealer win big and the gambler lose ten games. Because as soon as a gambler enters a" sparrow cage, "it's like a bird in a cage, and even if it can fly, it's useless.

As for the feng shui bureau in there, how is it? I don't know.

Anyway, locals don't usually gamble in Portugal because they know they can't fight their Feng Shui Bureau. Even the design of the Venetian resort follows Western aesthetics. However, the ‘canal' inside is also a layout for tall people. When the water is surrounded from north to south, from north to south, from left to right, rolling fortune is surrounded.

Originally, Yongli was a broken wind and water array, please come to the high point and set up the "Hand Cover the Sky” Bureau. The architectural shape is like a giant palm wrapped around a lullaby, meaning to grasp it in the palm of your hand, and the propaganda screen in front of the door is more designed in the shape of a knife axe with a blade pointing straight at your opponent.

Large music fountain show at the entrance, with sparking links, flooding attack axe splitting “sparrow cage”... ”


Listen, Choi Shao Sha has a problem. She seriously introduced Andy, listening to these feudal superstitions. The more she hears, the funnier she laughs, the more she doesn't believe in these messy things. She meditates, also for the sake of cultivation, but truly believes in the Buddha of the nothingness.

“Oh, what, you don't believe?” Andy turned to Li Xiaoying, who was laughing, and picked his eyebrows to smile.

Li Xiaoying looked at the expression of his eyes a little embarrassed, but with a slight smile, Choi Xiaoying said with a slight smile. “Don't tell me that you foreigners believe this, too. ”

“Why don't you believe it? ”

Andy smiled lightly, questioned back, and then turned to Yongli Building with an arcuate mirror on the side of Lotus Circle Island, with some dazzling reflections in the bright sun, he said faintly.

“Real feng shui is very scientifically sound, like Zhou Yi, and is an integral part of the culture of Heaven and Dynasty.

And of course, some people think of it as fate, so to speak...

Feng Shui, sitting north and south is Feng Shui. Isn't that how the world builds buildings now?

To put it bluntly, feng shui is actually a relationship between man and nature, and ancient people based on long experience have come to the effect of mountain water, grass and trees on human production life, which is the origin of feng shui.

I think that true feng shui is based on scientific experience, is credible, as for ghosts and all that... Huh. ”

Andy's, uh, not ridiculous, but a little uncertain about himself, Nima, that crossing all happened to him, and some things, not necessarily all of them, were fake.

When he heard Andy's words, Choi's eyes couldn't help but shine. He believed in these Feng Shui Xuan machines and hurriedly continued: “The boss was right, Ms. He's Mei Gao Mei Jin Palace Hotel, located just behind the Yongli Resort Hotel, separates Yongli from the direction of the sea.

At the same time, there is a giant copper lion in front of the casino door. The copper lion suppression is the beauty of Western enchantment, and the big lion pattern above the entrance to the lobby, the lion's wide mouth, is just a short distance away from Yongli, making Yongli now face the front and rear clicks.

Come to the AO Gate, senior people, generally pay close attention to the taboo. Be sensible and calm when entering the Portuguese JING, as the saying goes, "Money doesn't come to the door”, because any rushed bird rushes out of the cage, and these people are the easiest to “hit the arrow”.

In Yongli, don't walk through the door, don't walk under the "charming light”, put a small bag of salt in your pocket to crack the Western Xuan technique.

Before entering Venetians, go to the canal and use a small gourd to fill up some water, implying some financial resources, and then follow the side door.

To enter the Casino, be sure to enter through the rear door of the casino, avoid the "three sickles” set up at the front door, and choose the center of the "Golden Sands Tornado" in the lobby, which can greatly break the temper. ”

“Oh... ”

This time, Li Xiaoying laughed directly and shook his head. With a helpless look on his pretty face, he let Zhenghuan say, trying to introduce his new boss over and over again, Choi Young is embarrassed.

Li Xiaoying saw Choi's unnatural expression. She didn't mean to embarrass each other, but he said these things. In her view, they were pure bullshit.

“A person wins or loses is more of a probability than a feng shui. For gamblers, their wins and losses are well established in statistics. What really makes gamblers crap is not feng shui, but randomness, and irrational emotional behavior.

I know that every casino sends its customers mineral water for free. If they drink too much water, they have to go to the bathroom. And this is also a way to break the odds, Feng Shui? Oh, it's just a means of self-comfort for gamblers. ”

“Cough...” Lady Choi was overwhelmed by Li Xiaoying's words. After all, she was the woman of her new boss, and what she said was truly irrefutable. Fengshui Xuan Machine was originally a letter with or without faith, and could not work against science. Otherwise, the world would not be a scientific world.

“Ha ha... ”

Andy couldn't help laughing and not making his point. Gambling wins and losses are indeed probabilistic and statistical, but luck is something that is equally vague and unexplainable.

In front of Meigao Meijin Palace Hotel Square, Andy got out of the car and saw him come gracefully from the front car with a smile. After smiling and nodding his head, he looked at the large copper lion in front of the hotel, looking at the main building composed of three, up and down gold, and a silver river in the middle as a BO wave, under the sunlight, the waves sparkled and sparkled.

“Andy, Emily, inside please...”

He Dynasty Dome, standing on the right, smiled and extended his hand to make a gesture.

“Thank you.”

Andy and Li Xiaoying smiled and nodded, walking side by side to the lobby of the Mei Gao Mei Jin Hotel.