American Fortune Life

Chapter 1663: Crazy Games

There is no lunch for nothing in the world, and if it doesn't move, it's retreat, but to move forward, you have to be happy to make decisions and take risks.

In Andy's view, he gave people the opportunity to choose, the biggest bailout, you know, the rarest thing in the world.

People find out about opportunities, they're rich, they look at the poor, and they know that they're not incompetent fools, they're not inactive, they're suffering from no opportunity.

We live in a jungle of weak and forceful eating, where people either eat or are eaten, where the risk of escape is almost abandoned, and when opportunities are exploited, opportunities for others are diminished accordingly, so that they can better preserve themselves and even become predators.

In this world, the optimist always sees opportunity in suffering, and the pessimist only sees suffering in opportunity.

Believe me!

Andy said it wasn't just a joke, because he knew that he was telling the truth, and that the stock would really bounce back in early March...

He is telling the truth without reservation this time, if the people still cannot seize this opportunity, then no one can help them, they deserve to be poor!

It might seem unfair, after all, that nobody knew that Andy Smith was traveling, knew the future.

Unfortunately, there's never been any fairness in the world!

“This is a diagram of the effects of the future Mockingjay Gaming Corporation headquarters... ”

At the edge of a busy worksite, Andy grabbed Ivana's waist and pointed at the drawings, which were unfolded by two staff members, he said.

“Well, nice design.” Ivana of Flaming Red Chun nodded slightly, looking at the design effect diagram and praising it.



At this point, there was a noise coming from afar, Andy's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and Ivana's slight side, looking in the direction of the sound.

A dozen paparazzi reporters are being stopped by a crowd of bodyguards, but the group of paparazzi reporters did not stop, shouting constantly, several with cameras pressing the shutter constantly.

“Wherever we go, there's these guys.” Andy hasn't thrown up a good spit in a while since he and Ivana were glued together by these puppies.

“Forget it, it's not easy for them to follow for days...” Ivana smiled and waved at the direction of the paparazzi, but did not walk over to be interviewed and photographed by them. After all, they were strange paparazzi who gave them too much face. They wouldn't accept it if they saw it properly. The best thing the paparazzi did was provoke, piss off the client, and then make big news.

The distant paparazzi saw wearing black shawl skirts, outlined their stomachs, stepped on high heels and looked very elongated, white and shiny, even when pregnant, Ivana waved at them with a smile.

“ She's beautiful! ”A journalist who took the photograph of Ivana smiling and waving her hand looked over at the photograph in the camera and exclaimed sincerely, immediately raising the camera again and pointing it at the two people in the distance and starting to take it.

And the other paparazzi screamed a lot more cheerfully, and the camera shutter in their hand pressed wildly, hoping to attract Ivana and Andy's attention, could shoot at close range.

To be honest, Andy and Ivana are totally dressed together.

A super-rich man of family origin, a New York real estate tycoon, whose story has been particularly striking since the beginning.

From the face value to the background of the family, they are all door-to-door. Right, with all kinds of faces, talented people. Who wouldn't be amazed at such a combination?

Excellent people are a spark in their own right, and when they encounter the other half as good as they are, they naturally shine a better light!

Especially when both of them appear at the same time, they are ten fingers tight, such as the intimacy of paint glue, and the happiness and sweetness of Ivana's face makes the women of the United States all kinds of envy and envy.

“Let's go, ignore them.” Andy reached out to Ivana and held her back, turning to the convoy not far away.

Ivana smiled softly and a pair of beautiful eyes glistened at Andy's side and said softly: "Where are we going now? ”

“Go mock the Bird Games Corporation headquarters. ”

Ivana's eyes couldn't help but shine. For Mockingjay Games, to be honest, she always wanted to visit. Last time she went, it was just a dozen small companies with kittens. After two years of development, Mockingjay Games was already a new and expensive gaming industry valued at billions of dollars. Even in the economic crisis, Andy told me that last year's profits amounted to more than 800 million dollars, which is a money printing machine!

Until now, Ivana can't forget that Andy was joking with her when the game "My World" was giving him a circle of money around the world at a rate of €240,000 a day...

While two free games like Angry Birds and Botanical Wars Zombies earn only a few million dollars a month in advertising, sales of their derivatives, whether T-shirts, baseball caps or other clothing, are looking to recruit merchants from all over the world, believing that the next trend in gaming is definitely another point of profit growth.

“ No, I thought it was crazy to make 240,000 euros on My World Day. Is this really how Candy Legend makes money? Millions of dollars a day? ”

Looking at Ivana as if she was in shock, Andy smiled and took her into her arms and caressed her back gently, laughing: "Oh, it's not that exaggerated, it's not possible to make millions of dollars every day. I'm talking about the maximum daily sales, but although I can't guarantee millions of dollars every day, hundreds of thousands are fine, you know how appealing Candy Legend is to your women. ”

To be honest, when Andy first saw these in the company briefings, he was also very surprised. I didn't expect the Candy Legend to be so hot every few months that it just came out. You know, this hand tour is the kind of free hand tour of the poorest people's 'sales props’.

As an entrepreneur, Andy naturally wanted to make money for himself and knew that the game would be hot, but I just didn't expect it to be so hot. After all, it's just a casual game that makes millions of dollars a day, not only to surprise Andy but also to shock the whole industry.

Under this trend, last year's profits of 800 million were really not much. You know, there are a few more games to go on the market this year at Mockingbird Gaming Company, and with these explosive games now available, the profits of 09 are absolutely easy to break by 1 billion, and if the derivatives and promotions are well made, even $2 billion is not worth talking about.

“This is a good time!” Andy exclaimed sincerely.

The advent of the age of smartphones has revolutionized the hardware of mobile phones. At the same time, it has allowed various mobile app software and mobile games to explode. The higher the popularity of mobile phones, the more money the relevant service providers will make.

The executives of the gaming company know that the boss came to inspect with the boss and mother, naturally do not dare to be lazy, don't say that Western people will not be ranked. Although the entire company does not need to be greeted by employees, the executives will not dare to ignore the boss and the boss and mother.

“ This is Joyce, your favorite development leader for Candy Legend. ”Andy smiled and introduced Ivana to four of the top female hand tour engineers.

Honestly, Ivana was surprised to see that there were four female programmers in the crowd, and when she heard that they were also heads of development teams, she knew that the number of female software developers had always been scarce, especially in the stereotypical impression that their ability to work, their educational attainment and their qualifications were easily questioned.

In fact, the family environment, school education and marital life largely affect the life path of women software developers.

In this male dominated gaming industry, female * * * developers have accumulated a weak position throughout the industry. Of course, with the rapid development of the mobile gaming industry and the constant participation of game developers, more and more women * * * developers have become new highlights, but overall, they still appear somewhat thin in the larger environment.

“Only women know women”. Andy looked very happy and chatted with four female subordinates, laughing at the rest of the subordinates beside him, "It's definitely a trick to let them take the lead in game R&D and design and capture female preferences accurately with their acute insight, thus making the game popular with female players. ”