American Fortune Life

Chapter 1683: The Gate Has Been Discharged

Is AI a Pandora Box or not?

Faced with the rise of intelligence, many people are anxious and uneasy, which is far from new, and moreover, humans, even of their own race, remain suspicious and defensive creatures.

After all, people with feelings and prejudices do evil, and computers that judge by rational calculations alone seem to “do evil” and do so easily.

This leaves many pessimistic about the development of artificial intelligence.

Of course, artificial intelligence is still in the theoretical and preliminary stages of development, and people are still preoccupied with speculative concerns, but when one day humans discover that artificial intelligence is too “intelligent” and that some aspects almost transcend human understanding.

Andy believes that human concerns about AI will reach a new height.

This time is not too long. After all, the world is actively investing in AI, and AI is bound to have a big outbreak.

And this big outbreak is precisely due to the development of "machine learning."

Computer programs with powerful computing capabilities are able to automate the mining and analysis of large amounts of data and learn behavioral patterns.

Input and output are no longer manually given control of several variables, but allow the machine to analyze characteristics and determine variable weights in a large amount of data...

Explained in simpler, more straightforward language, such as involving the hottest areas of artificial intelligence, deep learning, is dramatically referred to as "modern alchemy" throughout the artificial intelligence field.

Enter all kinds of data training intelligent programs, “refine” a bunch of them, and we don't know why this is happening...

A neural network that processes data, typically consisting of dozens or hundreds of neurons, is then organized in layers of logical structure, with computational processes and their complexity. Smart programs set their own algorithms and weights, and ultimately why they output a decision is not entirely understandable to the human being as a developer.

Will humans trust an "incomprehensible" decision maker?

The answer is yes.

By the time Andy decided to invest in the development of AI, a consensus had been reached with Edward, the technology bull, to impose certain limitations and constraints, even though he was so far from that high artificial intelligence that several galaxies were still so far away.

But since there are seeds of doubt and expectations of the application results, then it is important to be restrained, and it will be prudent... That's the human race!

Artificial intelligence is more a reflection and understanding of existing data in the human world than the ability to think. Will machines inherit human prejudice, uncertainty and greed?

That's probably humanity's biggest concern!

The so-called "intelligent mining” of user data by artificial intelligence is actually easy to swim on the edge of compliance but against fair ethics.

For example, in the simplest example, e-commerce allows targeted, sophisticated price discrimination against a person based on the accumulation of consumption habits and consumption capacity data, calculated through big data analysis.

By buying the same product, users with crazy phones are likely to pay more than users with Android $1,800 because they are analyzed by big data and tend to be less sensitive to the price...

(No kidding, if you're interested, you can try some e-commerce websites instead of phones.

In short, there is no concept of “person” or “user” in the eyes of artificial intelligence aimed at commercial interests, and everything is data that can be used.

Maximize capital by monitoring everyone and extracting information with the help of big data and artificial intelligence.

This is also why the whole AI industry has a vague attitude towards all things like data collection.

After all, AI, as one of the hottest and quickest moves in the future, involves too much profit cake, too tempting.

Moreover, as Andy thinks, technology is far from being truly artificial intelligence, with minimal impact on social ethics, and the so-called AI is nothing more than freeing manpower from cumbersome duplication of effort.

Andy then took Ivana to the safety center to meet Hercules and learn about the operation and R&D progress of Shimoyun Shield.

At this time, Cloud Shield has begun to provide services to the outside world and has begun to make profits. In order to seize the market, Andy has moved the Heavenly Dynasty package to launch a free, simple download with ads, and a fully charged personal and corporate version.

In addition to robbing the market, the free version mainly serves as receipts data. After all, the development of cloud shields is inseparable from a large number of virus databases, which are nothing personal, but it is a tremendous asset for businesses.

One day later, no one was happier than Ivana, who, as the mistress, was accompanied by Andy, who had visited her before and was the most mysterious part of all assets.

On the way back to the mansion by helicopter, Andy received a call from his grandfather, Old Smith, in which he told Andy that the Fed was about to launch a series of major initiatives aimed at refocusing its policies.

While maintaining the Federal Fund interest rate at an all-time low of zero to 0.25 per cent, trillions of dollars were spent on treasury bonds and mortgage-related bonds.

Of these, real estate mortgage bonds and institutional bonds totalled $85 billion, and long-term treasury bonds of $300 billion were purchased over the next six months to unfreeze the credit market, inject liquidity and stimulate economic recovery.

Under the United States Federal Reserve Act, in times of economic crisis, the Federal Reserve has unlimited currency issuance powers to issue loans to anyone without congressional approval.

The Fed's lending program has increased the size of its assets from $900 billion to $1.8 trillion. This “big pen” to stimulate the economy is absolutely unprecedented and insane.

“They're insane! ”

Though expected, printing money on this scale has also left Andy a little powerless to throw up.

“It is also impossible to do so, as the Fed is about to lose space for interest rate cuts, but it can only fully leverage the" money printer "function to inject liquidity into the market to stimulate economic recovery.

Job losses, shrinking stock and house prices, credit strains are affecting consumer sentiment and spending, weak sales prospects and difficulty in accessing credit funds, resulting in cuts in inventories and fixed investments by businesses, as well as a recession in the economies of our trading partners, leading to a sharp decline in our exports. These factors force the Fed to use all means to promote economic growth. ”

When he heard his grandfather's explanation, Andy shook his head helplessly and sighed, to be honest, there was really no other good way, perhaps only by opening the gate and releasing the water, all of which could pull the economy out of the downward swirl.

“Oh, at least that news will give the stock market more impetus to rebound... ”

“Well, just so you know, nothing else, son, you can be the richest man in the world, and Grandpa's really happy and proud of you. ”

Andy smiled and hung up old Smith's phone, and looked into Ivana's eyes and dialed out again with his phone.

“Increase the amount to make empty dollars! ”

This call from his grandfather, Old Smith, is undoubtedly about informing Andy and getting him ready early, and Andy's think tank has been running out of dollars, and now the message is certain that the amount will naturally increase.

After notifying Alvitelli, after hanging up, Andy smiled at Ivana beside him and said, "Gold is about to surge! ”

Ivana winks a pair of big eyes, her mouth goes up, and she smiles sweetly: “The money printer is full of horsepower, making dollars fast, and only gold can keep it! As a result, real estate recovery will not necessarily wait long. ”

Andy sighed softly and said softly: "The Fed is in fact depreciating the dollar, and it is worrying that central banks around the world are struggling to depreciate. ”