American Fortune Life

Chapter 1766: Doing What's Necessary in Public and Private!

Qingqi Zhumen, Jonglou Yuyu, carved beam painting building, show noble style, really different emotions, but can only see...

Zhao Zicheng quickly followed the bodyguard leading the way ahead, walked along the narrow corridor through several bushes of bamboo from the shadow lady, and walked in the small courtyard, full of elegant landscapes. False flowers and grasses, from time to time, sparrows fly to the ground, to the front of the central courtyard. Two tall palm trees, four orchids, and two drooping elms surround the table and chair, a set of idyllic poetry.

He was also the first to come to the Four Palace, knowing that it was here, or the Olympics, because the big boss rented it to the former world's richest Bill Gates. The arrangement in the courtyard was said to have followed Master Feng Shui's advice, and regardless of the effect, it was written on the face of the big boss who leaned on the chair after the afternoon sun.

On the left hand side of the boss is a stone basin carp pond with a fake waterfall mountain. With the fish food that the boss keeps spilling in his hands, beautiful carp of all colors comes out of the water, after fighting to eat, the fish pond is like boiling water rolling over, splashing a splash of water flower.

With all the fake mountains, ponds, flower birds, fish worms, and lots of Western elements, Zhao Zicheng's heartfelt exclamation is a small royal queen garden.

Andy slowly opened his eyes when he heard the footsteps and lay on the rattan chair and said to Zhao Zicheng, who stood beside him with respect: "Here we go. ”

“Coming, boss. ”

“Have a seat.” Andy closed his eyes and laid idly in the warm sunshine of the city, letting the wind bloom and feel the quiet and elegant afternoon of the city in April.

“Thank you, boss. ”

“This time, just in time, White Yulan is the perfect time to spit flowers around the beam.” Andy lay comfortably on a lounge chair with his eyes closed, his mouth raised and he said softly.

Zhao Zicheng looked at the sun, and the four jade orchids not only had fantastic flowers, but also added a mystery and elegance to the ancient architecture. He exclaimed with a smile: “Still the boss knows life. ”

“The more I understand the culture of the heavens and the more I like nostalgia, the more I feel that the ancient things left behind by the heavens and the dynasty are worth remembering and worth owning. As times change, many old things, old objects, and old houses are slowly becoming fewer and fewer, especially in the sichuan courtyard of Beijing City, which is even fewer. ”

Andy couldn't resist Zhao Zicheng's butt, just a faint emotion. At that time, footsteps were heard again. Andy opened his eyes and walked over with two cups of tea floating crystal cups, wearing a white bottom black striped t-shirt and casual sports pants.

“Thank you, you know, I don't have to introduce...” Andy smiled and took the tea from his sweet smiling cousin, leaning back slightly on his chin.

“Thank you, Miss Zhang.” Zhao Zicheng naturally knew his sister. As the boss's only honey in the Heavenly Dynasty, how could he not have known her? He took over the teacup with a smile on his face. Thank you. I have to say, seeing Zhang Zi Lin again gives him a stunning taste. No wonder the boss will be so precious. Even the man who holds her will probably be excited to see her. Her beauty makes it difficult to find blossoms.

“You're welcome, sit down.” Sister also laughed with a Kyoto-style joke, then looked at Andy Soft and said: “Tell me what you need. ”

“Well, you go busy, we'll talk.” Andy nodded with a smile.

“Okay, you guys talk.” Speaking of which, Sis walked a long way on that long tui of rebellion.

Andy and Zhao Zicheng took a sip of tea first, then placed the cup on the round table. Andy looked sharply up and down and measured the suit leather shoes. His face was red and he was quite impressed. Zhao Zicheng smiled: “Looks like you've had a good time. ”

“It's all up to you, boss.” Zhao Zicheng's sharp eyes as Andy's essence are a bit like a needle felt. As Andy's achievements get higher and more successful, the pressure on his aura is also increasing, especially pointing to his diners, which is even more obvious.

Andy nodded, continued to lazily close his eyes and lay down, faintly said: “I've been busy with Universal Studios for the past few days. I only had lunch at noon with the host and several GUO corporate leaders who wanted to work with me. I haven't been able to reach you. I just wanted to call you. I just wanted to hear your debriefing. You did a good job setting up Universal Studios. I read the briefing from the company headquarters, and you didn't disappoint me. ”

“This is all I have to do, thank the boss for trusting me and giving me this opportunity, I will never let the boss down... ”

“Come on, don't say that. It doesn't make any sense.” Andy waved directly to interrupt Zhao Zicheng's loyalty on the second floor. "Tell me, I heard that in addition to taking Nanjingnanjing's overseas distribution rights, the TV drama production department you insisted on setting up when the branch was founded invested in some TV dramas? ”

“CityofLifeandDeath" After I participated in the screening, I was deeply shocked. I felt that this film could be tried in the North American market. It definitely resonated with the American audience. In a turbulent context, in the strength and patience of those sad little characters, the human glow of universal value will definitely be recognized by the mainstream American media and audience! ”

When he said this, Zhao Zicheng couldn't help but keep his fists dark, his eyes slightly blurred and he looked anxiously at the change in the expression on the face of the big boss who was comfortably in the sun, and he was very worried that his private business behavior as a Heavenly Dynasty human instinct was rejected by the foreign boss.

"Nanjingnanjing", the director of the series, while shocked him, also let his blood boil. If he was just a small figure, he could only curse a few little kid, but now he is the general manager of Universal Film Industry Tianjin Branch, he is willing to take a chance to show the film in North America, let more people know about that bitter history of Tianjingnanjing, let the international community better understand the suffering of Tianjin, let the international community condemn and see the stinking face, not recognize the atrocities, escape the responsibility of history, the ugly face of the shameless kid.


Andy's fingers tapped the vine chair armrest with no rhythm, making a dull noise, no expression on his closed eyes, and seemed to be thinking about something.

“CityofLifeandDeath..." Since you admire this movie so much, then you arrange it, I want to see it! ”

Andy didn't go to the cinema to watch this movie in his previous life, it wasn't stingy movie ticket money, but he was afraid that he couldn't stand it. After all, that history, a touch would break the hearts and sours of the heavens and dynasties, and carve minds, and he would hate the history of the pedestal even more. Although making a movie is very meaningful, Andy is really afraid of his heart as a knife.

But now, Andy wants to see and decides to bring the film to North America, not only to show it in North America, but also to win an award to expand the film's visibility and influence, especially now that the film's overseas copyright has been bought by his own people, publicly and privately, he's going to push the film into the world.

“Ah?!” Seems incredible to the boss, Zhao Zi was stunned, but quickly reacted, saying: “Okay, good boss, this is actually the global premiere of the film tonight, but the premiere is in Jiankang, or I will send a copy. ”

“No, go to the cinema.” Andy opened his eyes and said softly. “Don't spook the others. ”

“Good boss, I'll make the arrangements.” Zhao Zicheng hastily said, but his heart was excited. He had seen the movie, and he thought that as long as his boss watched it, he would definitely agree and let the movie be shown in North America, which is also his duty as a heavenly dynasty.

“Tell me about the TV production department. What do you think? What are you gonna do?” Andy sat up, reached up and picked up the teacup on the table, blew the leaves in the next cup and drank it, asking.