American Fortune Life

Chapter 1802 is really out of height!

Watching some gray-headed dirt face being scolded by himself fleeing the study, Jerry Lee, and some nervous Anderson Guo's wolfy back, Andy shook his head with a grin and cursed.

This son of a bitch dared to come up with any bad idea, Nima, and let the richest man in the world run Evie Corp. in the foot basin, didn't he?

If he really listened to this advice and even earned this money, the planet would be laughing!

Though Jerry Lee's bad idea was very unreliable, Andy had to admit that in the magical land of the foot basin, the SQ industry was indeed incredibly developed.

There is a saying in the foot basin: "Sitting makes more money than standing, lying down makes more money than sitting”.

With an annual turnover of more than 60 billion euros in the foot basin SQ industry, an American economist once said that the current foot basin SQ industry is sufficient to keep the foot basin out of economic crisis for the next 50 years.

Despite the theatre, the financial crisis that swept the United States and the resulting recession shadowed almost every area of the economy, including Hollywood Films, and the entertainment industry began to cut back and cut spending in order to survive the crisis. However, for the SQ entertainment industry, which has long lived behind films and is at the edge of the law, the real estate and stock market plummet has not resulted in a depression, but has benefited more.

In the foot basin, Ivy is an industry. The foot basin Ivy industry and its associated industries account for one percent of the foot basin GDP, and it should be said that more than any single foot basin is proud of the output value of a large multinational enterprise.

There's also a saying in the foot basin that the Ivy star in the foot basin can take over an army. The reason is that the foot basin SQ industry accounts for one percent of its GDP, which is precisely the ceiling of the defence budget. In recent years, this army has begun to move faster out of the country, in neighboring countries, Europe and America, even... The SQ industry is an aspect of pedestal humanity and is very pedestal.

“Boss, you are too bold to talk to the boss... That advice, to be honest, scared the hell out of me when I saw the boss get mad!” Out of the study, Andy angrily sprayed Guo Yibei in a cold sweat, looking at a NAI mouth boss who looked like nothing was going on, lowering his voice and laughing bitterly.

“Don't worry, it's okay. Our boss is not that scary. He is still very talkative as long as our job does not go wrong.” NAI picked the eyebrows and patted some naughty little brother on the shoulder, and some lament said: “Hey, the boss is tired of his reputation, even if he doesn't want his reputation to be tainted, he can let me come out of the office, boom, with strong financial support, I definitely dig up all the famous stars, what SOD, S1 company, Kawaii Angel City company, PREMIUM Beidu New Rights company.

Hey, not only can you use it yourself, but you can also make money, hey, thanks a lot!

Absolutely good business is Ivy in the foot basin. By the end of last year, the total number of registered Ivy stars in the foot basin was nearly 160,000, three quarters of whom were women aged between 20 and 29, reaching 120,000, compared with 6.6 million women aged between 20 and 29 in the country according to the latest survey conducted by the Statistical Office of the Ministry of General Affairs of the foot basin, which means that one out of 50 women aged between 19 and 29 are officially registered Ivy women.

According to internal sources, the number of people who have lost their vote in the last five years is eight times greater than the number registered, and the number of people between the ages of 19 and 29 is about a million. Tsk, what terrible data! Imagine an average of five women between the ages of 19 and 29 filmed Ivy's work. Couldn't it be touching?

The boss can sleep all over the foot basin if he wants! What a great thing to plant grasslands on the heads of millions of pedals! ”

Watching his own boss talking to himself, Anderson had a black line and a smoke in the corner of his mouth, he couldn't help but curse himself, "What a bitch! ”

However, Anderson also had to admit that his own bitch boss said it was fascinating. The reason why the pedal industry could be so developed, mainly because the pedal government had never banned it, was that the pedal began to have a large number of companies and producers in the field very early on. After decades of development, there have been a number of large companies, signed a large number of actresses, basically creating the scale effect of oligopolistic monopolies.

And then there's the pedestrian concept problem. It's amazing that most parents in the pedestal don't control their children's entry into the industry, which may not be easy to imagine in other countries, that is, a lot of people are jumping into the industry, and the pedestal comes every summer, that is, high school students, college students graduate with the peak of interviews with new actors from Evie Corp., and the selection is said to be very strict.

After a few years of mixing up in Ivy's industry, many actresses can usually enter the show circle or marry, and the vast majority of their performing careers are not long, which is probably just a few years, as if they were required to be actresses at least 18 years old, and 25 years old is the majority of retired age.

In fact, with a boss like Jerry Lee, he had the opportunity to reach out to actresses who were thankful and who had spent foolish years with him. You know, even in the foot basin, most famous actresses have their own FANS, just as crazy as worshipping idols as stars, but few people can do it.

“Never mind, if you don't open it, don't delay play anyway, will stay in the foot basin for some time, some chance, by the way, you stay in Osaka, I'm going back to Kyoto tonight, Tsubaki, just made a date with Sister Dark Zi Ling, tonight we have to try deep shallow, that Xiang Nishino last night, he is really meow... ”

“Shit, boss, you're not like that! No, I want to talk to you about Kyoto, and I want to... Cough cough...” As soon as he heard this, Anderson glared at Jerry Lee's clothes and threw up in a hurry. He wanted to try Xiang Nishino last night. You should know that the daughter's father was a university professor and her mother was a pianist. She could say that she was a book chancellor. She was in a prominent position and would actually become an Evie star. It was just incredible, but Jerry Lee's bitch grabbed her first last night. Nima, she changed to Sister Dark Ling again tonight. She was so disgusting.

But halfway between them, Tory Black, a little assistant dressed in OL costumes, Anderson Guo hurriedly let go, coughed gently, and smiled and greeted his boss's very capable assistant with Jerry Lee.

Tory Blake glanced at the two of them with a strange look and nodded slightly, stepping on the heels and walking past them, while Anderson Guo said with a palpitation: “Are you sure she won't listen to us? ”

“I don't think she speaks Chinese...” Jerry Lee also looked back uncertainly at the back of his little assistant, Hannah, and whispered, “It's okay, so what if you hear it? Even if you tell her in person, she doesn't understand, just go. ”

Looking at Jerry Lee, whose footsteps had suddenly accelerated, Anderson Guo couldn't help but shake his head and laugh. He was a complete bitch with his boss.


“Cough... What, Dark Sister Ling... This bastard... ”

After hearing the assistant's report, Andy just took a sip of coffee and sprayed it directly. He coughed with a gaze. His face looked strange and ugly. He let the assistant wipe the coffee off his body with a tissue. The curse of biting his teeth cursed: “This bitch is really playing with his meow... ”

Although it's a little diaphragmatic, Andy just threw up a few sentences. After all, Sister Ling is in his hand, an Ivy star figure, he can't do anything, as for putting it together or something, ah!

Until now, Little Andy is very expensive and not every pond qualifies him for a swim!

If Andy knew that Jerry Lee was trying to get him to plant grasslands on millions of pedal heads and describe it as a great cause, he would definitely call him back and rub him against the floor.