American Fortune Life

Chapter 1903: Hate Is Hate!

“This prep weekend was supposed to be a farm vacation with Michelle and her daughters, and now the media is screwing with me, and it's really a headache... ”

In the Oval Office, when Andy agreed to join his group of economic advisors, the atmosphere of the chat was even more harmonious, with Okuanhai holding a coffee beer bottle and some self-derision provoking.

“Huh.” Andy shook his head and smiled softly, naturally he knew that Augustine was talking about their couple having a big meal in New York and a luxury tour of the Broadway Opera, but instead of making a statement, he turned his eyes and smiled softly: “It's not easy to find a farm for a holiday, I can definitely satisfy your requirements on a farm in Montana.

Your family will be able to taste the freshest ingredients, swim in the pool, dominate private lakes and solar rivers, and play basketball and horse hunting, which I'm sure the kids will love. ”

“Your 124,000 acre BrokenO farm?” Augustine's eyes lit up and he asked with interest.

“Oh, it's 220,000 acres now, and I bought all the land around me and connected all the land across the three counties.” Andy lifted his arm, took a sip of beer and smiled softly.

“I didn't expect you to be so interested in agricultural production, do you want to be the biggest farmer in America?” The heart of Augustine is amazing. It's so nice to have money. It's such a big farm, it's like Andy's own LI kingdom.

“Don't be ridiculous, I can't even get into the top ten, the largest farmer in the United States already owns more than a million acres.” Andy shook his head and went on to say, "If you're sure, I'll arrange for someone to be ready for the Secret Service to go ahead, and you can be assured, actually, that I have a security company there that's safe and secure. ”

“I don't suppose you're asking for rent.” Augustine seaside smiled and twisted.

“Oh, don't worry, it's definitely free, isn't it just to make your vacation easier, free from blame and doubt?“ Andy laughed, "but you can leave a few photos to help promote the perfect ingredients for my farm. ”

“Ha ha, I knew you were the richest, most commercial genius in the world.” Augustine laughed happily, but he didn't reject Andy's thoughts. After all, it was a mutually beneficial and reciprocal matter. Besides, he was the one who took advantage, just a few more words for a soft ad.

Andy didn't explain much either, just smiling at the Augustine tune. He was supposed to develop the farm's tourism potential. Comparing tourism to the farm's income helps a lot. Naturally, he needs a similar publicity. Although he can go on his own, there is really no better candidate than President Augustine, whether it's for the American people or for tourists from other countries, the President's sleeping creations, the President's menu and tour programs, or it's somewhat attractive.

At the end of the meeting with the President, walking out of the Oval Office, Andy smiled and nodded at the White House staff greeting him, walking out of the White House gate, waiting for the bodyguards to quickly unfold their protective formation, a bodyguard quickly walked down the stairs, pulled the door open, and stood by waiting.

“Thank you.” Andy raised the corner of his mouth, laughing and then bent over into the cool compartment, squinting his eyes and tapping his fingers gently on the leather armrest. He was very pleased with the harvest of this trip to the White House.

The reason why he would agree to join the economic advisory group of Okinawa is also well considered. The invitation from the first election of Okinawa was more like distributing victory fruits. There were too many ingredients to be thanked for. Almost all of the members of the advisory group were old guys from Wall Street. His younger generation went in and had little voice and influence.

And now it's different. Since the face was torn off on Okuanhai and Wall Street, the members of the Economic Advisory Panel have changed it almost again. At this time, they are also in the period of Okuanhai Coke Head Loss. At this time, Andy's rejoining is undoubtedly able to harvest the gratitude of Okuanhai, which suggests some economic planning measures in favour of his industry in the future and improves the pass rate.

To make a lot of money, it is undoubtedly in keeping with national policy, and now he has the opportunity to participate in the setting of the rules of the game, and naturally he will not let go of this opportunity, but can also use it to cultivate a group of talents. After all, his own cheap dad's ambition is to sit in an elliptical office, and by then, he will need a group of trusted talents. If no one is available at that time and seeks the help of other forces, he will undoubtedly be able to marry others and exploit them to death.

Leaving the White House, the convoy drove into Capitol Hill again, and Andy and his grandfather Smith met and talked. Since he decided to get involved in the center of power, he naturally needed to know some of the experiences, notes and taboos. He wasn't stunned, he really thought he could play wildly.

Nearly every decision here in Washington is the product of compromise, and no one can act wildly.

So when Andy left Old Smith's office, he left with a senior assistant, and this assistant, Schneider, was brought out by Old Smith alone, and if he didn't know anything about Washington, he could say it was Menqing.

The role of this assistant is to help Andy with some issues from Washington, D.C., the White House, and whether some of his solutions could cause a lot of trouble. For example, the reform of health insurance proposed by Okuanhai is a difficult and dramatic problem.

On this Capitol Hill trip, Andy also received an inside message that the U.S. Federal Communications Commission would conduct an antitrust investigation into Apple's decision to reject Google's voice app for crazy phones.

A while ago, U.S. regulators investigated the issue of simultaneous directorship of Google and Apple boards. After all, Google and Apple are competing in some key markets, with one being a director of two companies, which is undoubtedly something that regulators have to wonder about.

And Apple's direct rejection of Google's voice app for crazy phones is undoubtedly a competitive threat to Google's software as a voice service for crazy phones. The fact that AT&T has always been the exclusive voice service provider for crazy phones in the United States leads to the suspicion that there is an exclusive agreement in Apple's partnership with AT&T, which is undoubtedly monopolistic.

In Washington, as a big business, who hasn't?

Some senators therefore proposed and urged management to review exclusive cell phone dealership agreements between operators and mobile phone manufacturers in order to assess the impact of such agreements on market competition and choice.

The battle between Google and Apple is officially escalated!

Andy also knew it, and the key problem was with Apple, and since returning to Apple, some of Jobs' behaviors and decisions have become more dominant, like a dog with a diaper painting of the sphere of influence, biting every crossing opponent without mercy.

And Apple is targeting Google because Google has announced plans to develop its Chrome computer operating system, and Google's Chrome operating system will compete directly with Microsoft's Windows and Apple's OSX system when it comes out in the second half of 2010.

Honestly, the more you work with Jobs, the more you hate him, even though Andy knows he's sick and doesn't have much time to live, he still hates it!

The world is the smartest, not forever. When opinions diverge, they must be wrong. He always has the right arrogant face. Andy really doesn't get a little fond of him. Although, Andy also admits that his talents and abilities are one of the greatest innovators, changing the way everyone sees the world, but hating is hateful!