American Fortune Life

Apologies, first leave in 863 days!

I'm so sorry!

The devil's golden god is about to be broken today, there is no way, he just got home from the highway, he really can't write anymore, he's tired of dogs, he's really tired of dogs for children's holidays...

863 days, the devil has not broken off, he has not taken leave, today he has to take more than one chapter, he has to take one more leave, he has not broken off, but he has also taken one leave, there is no way, the devil has generally satisfied the little wishes of the child, especially since the devil has been a father and a mother for so many years, life is not easy, still has to bear the burden of moving forward, everyone has the responsibility, the devil already feels a lot owed to the daughter, so for her, I can accept it myself, I hope the readers understand, thank you!

Now talk about the feeling of this May 1 holiday tour, the devil had to be emotional. Heaven and dynasty are really not short of people, people are mountain people, it's just that, these two days, the devil's biggest miss, is his own home, God, I've never missed it so much.

A trip to see people, my daughter also saw the true meaning of the trip, which is to think twice about home, sit in the car and tell me that travel is no longer required...

Perhaps this is the devil's greatest gain, haha...

Sorry again, just got home, didn't pack yet, started writing leave note, sorry!

The Devil of Dogs.