American Fortune Life

Chapter 1958: Why don't we burn the money?

Abu finds himself supporting the forthcoming UEFA rule limiting the blind burning of money by clubs, which is a bit of a joke.

You know, the worst money burned this summer was Hot Spike and Real Madrid, which cost £150 million for a C-Row Spike and €210 million for Real Madrid, and Manchester City, which Abu sees as a threat, just cost £120 million...

Originally, the UEFA policy of limiting the blind burning of money by clubs was intended to target Andy Smith, and now if he stood up for UEFA, both sides would die of embarrassment and global fans would laugh.

As for Abu's idea, then, well, although it is also based on foreign investment, Chelsea's momentum has slowed down or even disappeared in recent years, witnessing hot spikes and Manchester City rush, and Abu is very supportive of the forthcoming UEFA policy of limiting the blind burning of money by clubs because Abu himself does not want to invest in Chelsea anymore, in other words, he does not want to compete in the burning of money with Manchester City.

As for Hot Spike, Abu didn't think of Andy as his opponent, after all, he also understood that football was just an investment project for Andy, not with himself and Chelsea, Desert Hoover and Manchester City, he needed a football club to integrate into Europe and propaganda to expand his influence, essentially different, one to make money, the other to make a difference, Abu naturally knew who was his friend and who was his opponent.

UEFA Platini has made it clear that any club that fails to achieve a balance of payments in the next two or three years will be kicked out of the European League, in other words, it will be a fatal blow for Manchester City, as the Eastern Turf team is still in the early stages of outburst households, far from achieving a balance of payments after Chelsea invested 780 million in six years, and the UEFA President does not want any more clubs to emulate Chelsea.

Hot stabbing came out this summer, no doubt shocking the whole world, letting Yingchao, making UEFA stare at the dog, then even the Real Madrid that attacked, plus Manchester City has already spent £120 million, once only 23 million, UEFA hopes that clubs will adopt a fairer financial competition, UEFA hopes that they will only be able to spend the money they earn on football.

“ Mostly the owners of several other clubs called to ask what we should do, Berlusconi, Morati, etc., and they didn't want to spend any more money. ”On the phone, Abu told Andy that this time it wasn't his idea alone, and Abu wanted to convince and confidently convince Andy to support him, after all, to make money.

“Clubs under the new rules can spend 300 million if they want to buy people, but they can't compete in Europe if they can't reach a balance in three years, and I've met Platini, who is a very passionate football player, and he says we have to stop this crazy behavior, and if a team doesn't agree, it doesn't matter, because this is what all clubs want to see.

Under the new system, you attract more investors, because they can make money, but not now, because football clubs are losing money, and if a club can borrow money from a bank to buy people, or repay loans, that's fine, but if a club borrows a lot of money, or gets a lot of money from an investor, and after two years the club still loses money, that's problematic, not making money, I'm sure anyone likes that. ”

“Of course!” Andy replied without hesitation, true, he didn't care if there was a new regulation promulgated by UEFA, because, for a real rich club, it was a bluff. Besides, he had already bought C-Row and had completed the ultimate goal of the future development of Hot Spike, so long as he held C-Row tight and had the formation, Hot Spike's road would be a short journey.

“To be honest, I would never have burned money if it wasn't for C Ro, except this summer, when it seemed to me unhealthy for a wealthy boss to spend a lot of time investing in it, it would only be healthy to rely on its own output and income, and the club would have to earn income from the investment, such as the stadium, otherwise it would be a bubble, which is unhealthy and unstable. ”

“Oh, I knew you'd agree. I'm in the Grand Duchy of Monaco, waiting for the European Champions League team to draw lots. It's about to start. Don't you care at all about the results?” Abu laughed happily.

“Ha, ha, ha.”

Andy beat the crap out of me and said, “Two hours to go. Forget it, I'll go to bed. In front of absolute strength, it doesn't matter what you smoke. I believe my hot stab is strong enough, and God is always on my side! ”

“ ”

“Ha ha...” You can imagine Abu's constipated expression at this time. He couldn't help but laugh happily. He didn't hang up until Abu said goodbye. Andy's smile converged, he pondered a little, he found the number, he called David Dunn, who was also far away in Monaco, and he told Abu what he was talking about.

“Boss, there is no doubt that this new rule not only affects Manchester City, but also Real Madrid and Manchester United, whose debts have exceeded 550 million and are expected to exceed 900 million in the future, and Manchester United's debts are expected to reach 600 million. Although this deal seems to make them better, it must be paid off in time, otherwise it will affect their plans to participate in the Champions.

As for our thrills, there's no need to worry, our finances will be in balance by next year, provided, of course, that we perform well at the Championships... ”

After listening to what the boss said, David Dunn was also very surprised. Unexpectedly Abu, the big money-burning hawk, was about to shrink, but imagine that the financial crisis also caused Abu's assets to shrink sharply. In the face of the new noble desert hawk and the dying Real Madrid Loan, Abu was a little heartless and worried that his Chelsea would become a player's shelf that was also targeted by the hawk.

As for the stirring debt, if the big boss didn't buy C, the stirring would undoubtedly be a small number of lucrative clubs, but now it's a PG debt that needs to be repaid slowly, and the debtor is his own boss. Fortunately, there is not much debt, so long as the crown can hit the top four again, it can repay seven, seven, eight, eight.

Can you hit the top four?

Just kidding, this is David Dunn's conservative estimate that they're after the championship, the champion!

If that's not the ideal, then why introduce C-Row? What's the big team doing again?

“Good luck!” Andy said to David Dunn before hanging up.

David naturally knew that the boss wished him luck for the next championship draw, to be honest, David Dunn was still very rude at the time, British Super Four strong, no one might say that UEFA would not play the pit to death UEFA team, but it was unlikely that UEFA would make a move in the group for viewership and attendance, but no one might say that they would run into the death squad.

“Oh, don't worry, I've always had good luck as a man, God will be on our side! ”

Andy still said that, leaving David Dunn speechless, he could only smile as the boss's self-comfort. However, at the end of the drawing of lots, David Dunn laughed out of place, and he thanked the boss very much for his previous blessings, and God was really on their side.

And the next morning, after seeing the results of the crown lottery in the paper, Andy couldn't get enough of a smile. Hot spikes were in the last group, Group H, with Alkmar, Olympiacos, and Standard Day, and Andy didn't even remember the names of the three clubs, enough to see how lucky the hot spikes were.

As for the rest of the clubs, they were less fortunate, the Western Kosher Real Estate Horse and Bassa met the Milanese Horse, respectively, and the theoretical super-death group did not appear.

The UK Super Four signed fairly average, they did not encounter any outstanding super luxury gate, so long as they played normally, the team was out of line.

“Can you think about it and try to win the league? Double crown. Tsk. Isn't the picture too beautiful?” Andy's ambitions grew again when it was easy to see the team coming out.

After all, so far, neither football nor baseball has brought him a championship, the team has begun to rebuild since the championship failed, and football, with this super luxury lineup now, can't get back the champion, Andy can't talk that well!