Garm, deputy commander of the Knights of the King, was troubled.

Inspection of Land territory. It seemed to me that the Knights could no longer stand their teeth.

I don't know how to solve this situation... but the position of deputy commander of the Knights had too little say in this situation.

"The report will be more than…"

Commander Berius is sweating cold. I couldn't have said anything to myself in such a situation.

The report faithfully explains what you have seen.

That meant implicitly pointing to the failure of the plan.

"Hmm... in other words, you ran away with your tails wrapped around your backs, doing nothing in the absence of the main force."


The Warlord, the King's Capital Alliance Master, and the Knights.

Gulm, the deputy commander, is not even seated. They'll only be seen by the guards.

"Well, good. It turns out the enemy has a lot of power."

Sergeant Gilead quietly tells him.

Hurry up and arrange for the S-Rank Adventurer.

"Yes... to the prestige of the King's City Guild..."

"Prestige... as long as there's still something like that..."

At this time, the King's Capital Alliance Master Cayenne also had no say.

During the Knights' tour, the principals succeeded in separating Milm from Land, but the cost was enormous.

The King's City Alliance already had nothing to admire about Alliance Masters, and there were many talented people who left King's City in that one case.

"The Knights mobilize everything, including reserves, just in case. War with the outside world is not going to happen."


The Chancellor has no intention of pulling.

That would be the case. As far as I can tell, there are only a few adventurers in the already abandoned ghost town.

And Mileoro, one of the country's leading adventurers, declares that he will bump into himself.

If I lose under these conditions, I'm not up against the Warlord.

But Gulm thinks.

If only the Warlord had actually seen the land himself...

That should give us a good idea of how ruthless a war we're about to wage.

"And then...."

I was just about to put together a meeting.

"Hehe. Thank you for being here."


"It looks like they're doing better than I thought... just in case, I'll give you a job."


Listen back as if the Warlord was terrified.

"Elf Hunting Sa"

I was confused by unfamiliar words, but as soon as I understood the meaning, I changed my complexion and looked at it.