Elf Forest.
Mileollo and the others showed up in the forest just beside the shrine dungeon [Kudo], where Belimorus was sealed.
Three men headed for the woods: Mileoro, Mail, and Quéla, as well as the Knights moving as separate teams.
Mail, let me see you guys.
".... nh"
Suddenly, countless magical formations appeared around the mail.
The number had multiplied several times since it confronted Durahan.
"That's not good. Your teachings have been helpful.
"... I'm distracted"
There was an undeniable word from Mileoro, even though it was a mail that I didn't share.
The strength of the mail has been multiplied several times by Mileoro.
Single S Rank - Even if you take on an adventurer with that power, you have the power not to be hit by several opponents.
I had the impression that Quéla, who had climbed to S rank as a party, saw the situation....
"This is crazy....."
I have finished the sentence.
People don't usually grow so fast.
A case where there was a big difference between when Lando was at the party and when he was independent.
When it comes to fading, Quéla thought that Rand originally had considerable talent.
"That's why I had a different talent from ours...."
As a result of that explosion, I woke up to the unique existence of Necromancer.
But the change in the mail is strange.
Obviously, the status itself is being greatly jerked off.
Unlike Land, Mail had the technology to leverage her talents by more than 100 percent.
"Well then... my body..."
Mail is a genius.
Techniques that force you to exceed your limits…… allow Mail to take advantage of Milleolo's advice.
I certainly understood that there was damage to the body as a result.
And only Mail understood why he came to the Elf Forest.
"... now you don't have to worry about your body."
"Sasugata is Mail. Yes, Sa. If the flesh can't resist talent, you can tease the flesh. There's plenty of stuff here."
Having heard the words, Quéla finally consolidated her resolve.
"I have to... stop..."
As a miracle saint, Quéla has continued to deal with people as a loving being.
It was a part of her unconsciousness and, like a curse, she continued to nurture a spirit of self-love towards herself.
With her trembling body in her arms, Quéla was ready for the first time.
You must fight the mighty opponent in front of you to defend your beliefs.
She was about to take the first step towards the Virgin in a true sense.