Eyre takes a serious look at the ghosted butler.
Potty leaked like this.
"No way......"
There are tears in its eyes.
But Ir's emotions, they didn't absorb the flow of time, and they didn't wait.
'Ha... oh no. Are you relieved of what you did with me?'
"Jiya!? Wait! What are you doing?
Isle approaches in haste, but his appearance was not that of a spirit body that had retained its shape until earlier, but also that of incomplete light.
He must have relieved himself, as he put it.
I can't stay without my untrained. That's the ghost.
"Yes... your return has always been in this land..."
"Wait. No, I'm not! Hey!"
"Lady... very, very good... you've been bonded with people..."
"It's me, I went to the Knights. You worked hard enough to be called the next captain of the regiment?!
"Your father and mother will never see each other again, but one day we will have this house... do something about it!
"Reliable... as long as..."
"And then... and then...! Wait! Don't leave me alone again..."
Isle leads.
But the ghost is no longer in shape.
Isle screams.
"Isle, what was the butler's name?
"Name it."
Isn't it too early to be relieved? Robert.
Isle solidifies his crying face towards this one.
Don't worry, I won't do anything wrong. I don't know if that sentiment had been conveyed. Isle's expression was also powerless as somewhere reassuring.
I made a pact with Robert.
─ ─ Skills acquired [CONFIDENTIAL]
─ ─ Absorption improved status
─ ─ Enhanced use of demons improves the ability of Rays, Aces, Mirms and Earls
'Ooh... what's this?
Ma'am, "I'm sorry that I seemed to be able to form a Buddha... but I think I still need you."
Understanding in that one word, Robert lay down his impressive expression and hid it, and stood on his knees and said:
"Thank you... thank you"
Isle rushed over to Robert again.
"Robert...... Robert!
"Not at all... Your Ladyship won't change... Now it may have been too soon to go to your husband."
To observe from Robert's words, I guess Ir's parents, of course, have nothing left to preserve themselves with in their flesh parents.
The maids and servants I had just seen also had an indeterminate black shadow on their faces and shapes, even though only their clothes remained. That would be more of a demon named Shadow that was created based on Robert's behavioral history remaining in this mansion to move than what he is.
Thinking about it... you old man, you don't seem to be the only one.