Milm supplements the relationship between Holy Attributes and the Undead because my understanding was not keeping up.
"Undead... it honestly doesn't make much sense to vampires, especially if they're holy."
"What do you mean?
Holy attributes for countering undead.
This should have been the common sense of adventurers......
"For example, what would happen if you were sunk in water?
"I don't know... I can't breathe that... you're gonna die, right?
"For those of us who are called immortals, that is what the magic of sacred attributes is all about."
I can understand the story so far. Or this was also my perception.
That is why the exorcism of the undead is called upon.
But Milm's words don't end there.
"Well then... what would you do if you were to go to a dungeon underwater?
"You'll come prepared with skills or magic tools for that."
"Same as that. I'll take care not to die."
Once again, Milm explains why he is king of the undead.
"There's nothing intelligent undead that hasn't countered the sacred attributes"
I see......
No. Right. It did not envisage a fight against the undead so that measures could be taken in the first place.
Because even the ancient dragons did not have that intelligence when Earl was the enemy.
"Speaking of immortality doesn't change being an organism. The weakness is that we take care of each other as much as we can, so in the end, it's just a bump in the total amount of energy we have."
Is that why vampires are strong?
Because the total amount of energy that it has is clearly higher than that of a person.
"You forgot how you defeated Dragon Zombies in the first place."
"Speaking of which, yes."
With the power of [King of the Night], I pushed it through with energy.
And so Guillen pinched his mouth.
"In short, he - Mireolo - has so much magic over the alleged inexhaustible elves and vampires that he brings them together, even though they are human beings."
Are you just playing guillen and letting them call you a monster......
Look at Guillen like that. Milm asks.
"Did something happen with that woman in your active life?
"Oh?! Hey, man! Nothing!
"You're lying..."
"That's a lie..."
"That's a lie..."
Milm's mouth shot had more effect than I could have imagined.