"Even if I don't resist....."
I looked up at the Dragon again.
A giant body that looks up and still cannot see the whole picture.
And tough flesh that you can see without touching.
"The other party is connected to God. Until then, we can rely on the tools that bear that name."
That's what Milm said and put his hand on his ear.
Is that so?
"Sure, we had the artifact."
Mill's earrings said they would help the cycle of black magic... but I don't know the principle, but Milm said it would double or triple its output.
And I...
"Can you use it? This"
A sword with no sword body.
Some of the swords I received from Fade...
Then you won't get it.
It also means physical distance, but it does not kill the dragon.
This sword is not good for killing dragons or killing gods.
In that regard, if you want to defeat a magical sword, it will be easy to reach as long as we prepare the sword for you.
"There's no choice but to..."
"Combine your magic with my magic and knock it into the sword. So let's do it."
"Can you... match it?
If you can't do it, it just means nothing.
That's how Milm starts his magic circle.
Something black floated around the mill and vanished, gradually increasing its power.
"If we don't have the right time for the night, we just have to get closer and die."
"It's horrible....."
I will also circulate the magic of the night by imitating the appearance, and concentrate on the sword that Serra made.
"I'll do the matching. You just concentrate on putting that power into your sword."
"Got it... guh!?
As soon as Milm put his hand on my sword, an incredible amount of magic came in.
Hang in there.
"... ahh"
A magical stream that seems to bring you consciousness.
I managed to pour it into my sword.
"Hmm... you've been thinking, human"
Can the dragon be impressed?
"But then you can't kill me...."
"I don't think so..."
If you think about what to do, Milm will tell you this.
"Please do what you have to do."
Feel the force relax from the overlapping hands.
The body of Milm who was supposed to be on the side leans...
"Hey, Milm?!...!?
The moment I tried to reach one hand without supporting the mill, I was struck by a magical wave that I could not compare with before.
"Kh... this is..."
So I finally understood Mill's intentions.
I cut myself out.
To the extent that the mill will cause a magic meltdown.