"Hey... what the hell..."
"A monster? It's too big for you...."
"S-rank adventurers are just monsters...."
There is a man who is not convinced by the state of affairs.
"Here, this is it! It's a fake! You're guilty of trying to deceive your guild!
"Is that it again? There's no trick... As I said before, are adventurers able to operate safely in a facility where Alliance Masters don't see the value of objects correctly?
"Gu... gunu..."
Cayenne was there, comparing us to the adventurers around us, who couldn't say anything back.
"A dragon. I'd like to see if I can pay you out at this point. If I can pay for it, I have two more."
"Guess... I can't believe you guys..."
"There were three dragons, right?
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I chased Cayenne with a rash.
"Oops, that's how I slapped him. You're not saying you can't buy one?
"One dragon... will this country's national budget be about three years?
"Country... don't be ridiculous! It's just a big dragon!
"Huh? A scale, a precious piece of leather that doesn't have a scratch on very existing minerals or materials, just a big dragon?
"Meat is a good source of nutrition. Bones, of course, will be the material, and the internal organs will be handed over to the alchemist to make as many of the finest potions as possible."
"Well, can we do either? Whether you're the master of the King's City Guild or someone who slapped you in the mouth and said you don't have enough money, whether you owe or buy, or falsely evaluate and force you to buy something worthless... but when you make the last choice, the Adventurer will disappear from the King's City Guild."
The adventurers who were watching after the words of Milm nodded loudly.
"Kh... you guys..."
Answer me what you're going to do.
Mill pressure.
The pitiful eyes of the guild staff.
And the worthy eyes of the adventurers.
Debt life. Your total assets aren't going to be enough, so what do you want me to do... "
"Gu... I'm sorry... it wasn't too much for our guild..."
Cayenne managed to pull his expression so hard that the shape of his face was distorted by remorse.
"Fufu. Yes, I'm sorry. Then let's take it home."
"Let's do that. Oh, I'm sorry, but if I can't pay, I can't accept the request. This request, I'm getting off."
"So... how do we do with the three dragons...?!
"I don't know. It's your job to fix that, isn't it?
Cayenne, who had been knocked down without skin, was no longer able to do anything.