Another Arcadia Online

Spirit King Survivor •

"Gu... Spirit King, you're too strong..."

Killed Lotto.

Lotto disappearing with that voice.

I won.

Ashurized my strength. You got it!

"Phew. I got stuck."

Whoa. The Demon King won...

"Well, it's just me and you for the rest... I'm turning back because in my current state, they'll do it right away. All right?"

"... you think I'll let you?


I can still afford it, actually.

Even though I only have about a third of my magic power, I have quite a bit of health. I would still have been able to fight. I'm confident that a weak demon king can defeat you.

"Fire spear!

Fly a spear made of flames.

The Demon King took it. Can't you just scrape it...

"I'll make a spear of all attributes!

Fire spears, water spears, wind spears, earth spears, light spears, dark spears.

Float all attribute spears and hit the Demon King.


"The Scarlet Eye of the Demon King."

Mr. Trophi's eyes glow red.

Then I was paralyzed or my movements became dull.

Apparently, you can't have looked me in the eye. Because I was paralyzed the moment I saw my eyes......!

Shit, inevitable......!

What do we do...?

... that little kid over there? When I appraised him, he said he was a spirit.

All right, I can use that.

"Spirit Subordination!

Spirit there! Help me!

"Nooo! Oh, don't bully me!

A little boy's spirit stands before me.

I feel a little guilty about shielding you, but I apologize in my heart for your loss.

"Damn......! Smart......!

He seemed to be irritated by the spirits causing a little less damage.

Mr. Trophi cuts the Spirit down with his sword. The Spirit has disappeared. I'm sorry, but I've recovered. Thanks.

"Okay, recovery. I'll never see those eyes again."

"Shit. You noticed how it works"


It's easy to think about. If I were to paralyze everything I saw, it would break. Then how should I do it? Easy. You just have to look me in the eye.

When you look into your eyes, your opponent becomes paralyzed.

So don't look.

"Now we're going this way! Spirit Blessing on Yourself!

This doubles the magic effect.

I could buff myself.


"All MPs go in and unleash the magic of maximum power......!

…… Let me!

"It's too late. You were ready."

I unleashed an oversized fire magic.

Explosion. A big big explosion involving one side of the perimeter. Explosion. Twice as powerful with the effect of the Blessing of the Spirit. The greatest firepower magic I can do on my own. Asuration was also solved, confirming that the MP reached zero.

I Killed a Trophy