Another Arcadia Online

Gentle lies.

Where the stores where the noise occurred gather people with carpentry skills. What luck.

Report to Chile.

"Thank you for earlier. I didn't know you'd be after us."

"Even to us? Do many people use my name on their own?

"Yes, you're the man who runs to the top, and you don't even know who you are. He's a great person to threaten because he feels like he only knows his name."

Yeah, that's what they use me for... It doesn't feel good, does it?

"Something to take care of..."

"I'll tell all my friends. He told me not to deal with anyone who comes to threaten me using the name of the Spirit God."


That doesn't mean it won't reach people who aren't friends.

It's not like the world is full of good people. I felt painful again.

Then I got a friend message from Mr. Roy and Mr. Kati.

'Hey. Here comes a Katra who's gonna use your name to threaten you. You don't know anything, do you?

'Someone came by to use your name. Do you know it? One Rottie.'

Wow. Have you both come...

I don't mind driving you back, because you're a stranger... all the time.

"What's wrong?

"Oh, no. There was a report that someone who used my name came to a production job I knew. So."

"Ho. People care about that production job. You're not one of the top players, are you, Katie and Roy?

"Oh, you got it"

"Is it true!? I hear you recently made an alliance with some guild, but maybe with you..."

"Right. It's at my place."


Katie and Roy were the top players. I've never known it before.

"So, to get to the point, you want someone with carpentry skills, right? Then I'll send one of my shop people. I can't give it to you."

"Thank you. So how much is it worth?

"No, I'm not taking it. You helped me earlier!

"That was just pissed off when they used my name..."

No one would be happy to have people's names used on their own.

If you're a good person, you're still fine. For example... to reassure you, I am close to the Spirit God. I'll call for help if we're in trouble. A reassuring lie. Then it's still acceptable.

You want to feel safe. Then I'll shut up and overlook... They even use it for evil.

"But it's true that I was helped, so please let me do this for free here. If you don't like it, you can just rely on us when building more."

"... ok. That's all right."

"Brother. I'm scared to death..."

"It's a die job! Your brother is friends with the Spirit God! He's coming to help me!

Yeah. these lies...... are some people really lying like this!

And those two brothers and sisters head to the plains. What showed up was a honey bear for bad luck. Honey pairs are rare monsters on the plains that only leave about chamossica. Strong power.

It's hard for two beginners.

I sneak up on my back.


"I'll protect Marie! Leave it to your brother. Ooh!

But your brother was seriously wounded dying.

"Brother! Spirit, call me God! He's your friend, isn't he?

"Ha, Marie. That's..."

"Spirit Magic” Fire ""

I appeared gorgeous and helped the boy.

"Are you okay?"

"Are you..."

"I'm a spiritual god."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Cute. Looks like a little animal.

"Oh, I..."

"You're weak. I'll make you feel better."

I can only use it for a small recovery, though.


"Oh, thank you. I'm Melt."

Melt to you, Marie.

About elementary school? Lovely. Elementary school kids play games, too.

"Oh, you know. I'm sorry I said we were friends on our own."

"Oh, brother?

"Marie. That was a lie. I'm sorry. I wanted to reassure you."

"... Fine. You're really here!

"Right. Thank you. Really."

Brothers and sisters love is amazing.

"Fine. I hope you're not lying, right?

I decided to send Marie and Melt a friendship application.

I won't let you lie. You said you were friends with me. I'm not used to this sort of thing.