You think Marya doesn't like Shinjo either?

"I don't like the flattery on top"

And just now.

Apparently, he doesn't care about deep things, and that kid's cute, too, okay? That's what it feels like. Seems the only person I don't like is Shinjong.

Marya said it was just about appearance.

"Phew. Request Completed"

"Let's report to the Alliance."

They have assassin clans and hunter clans. They have vocational quests and requests there.

Marya had made a simple request to snap the goblin in it. Goblins are enemies encountered in the first tier of the forest. I haven't said much, though.

"That, Mr. Marya"

"... Shit"

I pounded my tongue and turned away.

I've been talking to... I know too. She looks like a little animal in her blonde hair. Shinjong Deep Snow. She's playing on a PN called Miyuki.

"Have you found a pair yet? You're early."


"I wonder what kind of person Marya paired up with! If you don't mind, I'll tell you a story."

"I won't. Miki, I'm coming."

Oh, yeah, yeah. I asked him to change from Spirit God calling to Miki calling.


"What. About the story...!

"What a waste of time to break it to you."

"Damn......! Terrible......!

And he's crying. You just want to buy sympathy from me.

It's a bad one.

"Don't be so clever to cry...! That's what I have to say......!

"I can't believe it's an imitation...! Um, a pair of them! You listen to me, don't you...?

"Don't ask me. I don't want to hear it either."

Who talks to the kind of guy who makes fun of Mano? It's still more meaningful to talk to a stuffed animal.

I want you to stop selling me such cheap sympathy. I can't shake my heart like that.

"... I can't use it"

"... I can see your soul and guts. Why don't you just get caught? Miki would be the best. Shall we?"

and was pulled by Marya and left the spot behind.

* Lotto point of view

I came to the woods where goblins live to collect material.

Then I meet someone. Miyuki, the model of this collaboration. I stood alone.

"What's wrong?"

I speak up. Then she was in tears.

Is something wrong? Fighting between models? Did they say anything that didn't bother them? Like getting rummaged up by anti-people?

"Who are you…"

"Me? I'm Lotto. I'm a brave man."

"Brave... Really? I need a favor from you."


"With me, could you be a pair...?

And I was hugged and begged.

I took it on comfortably.