Another Arcadia Online

Character Organisation (For Authors)

Gilmen (to organize)

Alliance Master: Miki

Deputy Alliance Master: Chile

Members: Erlu, Luluk, Yukishougun, Sun, Wow, Marshmallow, So, Rock, Miruki, Jeanne Dark, Guy, Agarta, Chambala, Nirvana (Marya) (Chi) 16 (+2) names in total

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Member Description

Alliance Master: Miki

Gender: FemaleCurrent Level: 50 (Current Highest Level) Occupation: Unemployed

Race; Spirit King Favorite; I don't like spicy things: sour things

Real name: Misaki Hirose

It sits on the Spirit King's throne, the owner of an unconscious but equivalent PS. I have been bullied in the past and I am trying to forget.

A fanatic of Mano and an extremist who has nothing against Mano is the elimination.

Otherwise, they are usually gentle and often treated separately. Even people with bad personalities can't talk, but they can't do it.

No frogs and ghosts. If you see a frog, forget me and run wild. A ghost frightens and weakens.

Deputy Alliance Master: Chile

Gender: FemaleCurrent Level: 49Occupation: Mercenary

Race: ElfFavorite: I don't like meat in general: vegetables

Real name: Leaf Hidden Pearl

Miki's best friend and childhood friend. Stupid and unable to study.

It is inferior to Miki but has player skills. There's nothing I don't like about it, except studying, the idea holder that if I enjoy it, I want to.

Sometimes I push my opinions through.

Quite a waster.

Members: Erlu

Gender: FemaleCurrent Level: 44 Occupation: Knight

Race: Human Favorite: I don't like fish: Parsley

Real Name: Water Mirror Painting Ruku

Handsome, but a woman.

There are women who are deceived by their beauty. I am often confessed by women, and I also get a lot of Valentine's Chocolate. Looks like he's buying grudges from a man.

It has a knightly look, and the handsome idea that the reason I chose a knight is because I want to protect everyone. Levels that make the author think he didn't even have the wrong gender to be born.

Also, there is Luluke in childhood training.

Members: Luluke

Gender: Male Current Level: 46 Occupation: Hunter

Race: Demon Favorite: Sweet Bad: Spicy

Real name: Shinoda Luluke

Beautiful girl, but a man.

The look of that poor, wanting to protect you makes both boys and girls mellow. He wanted me to treat him as a boy, but at a time when he was more capable of being a woman than a woman, it was highly desirable.

Someone with the wrong gender born just like Erru.

As a hunter, he is excellent and has good support.

There is elu in childhood taming.

Member: yukishougun

Gender: Male Current Level: 37 Occupation: Clergy

Race: Human Favorite: Poor Meat: Nothing in particular

Real name: Chili Yukino

Normal looking and normal. It was Miki who asked me to be a healer when I became a cleric. I respect Miki and always want to be as good as Miki.

Actually, the command tower for Miki's surrogate for the fourth event. He has a hidden talent, and the opposing guild may say he's going to stretch.

I have a childhood friend named Sun. Also, because he's a good cook.

Members: Sun

Gender: FemaleCurrent Level: 50 (highest level now) Occupation: Blacksmith

Race: Human Favorite: Not particularly good: Not particularly

Real name: Yangxiang Mie D

Lazy. But the level has reached the highest level. The reason was because I've been doing so much blacksmithing. I'm a pain in the ass, so I'm the type who gets sloppy when I finish the trouble first. Level up seems to be part of it.

I like a lot about a thousand miles, and I am convinced that it is a thousand miles that will feed me in the future.

Members: Wow.

Gender: FemaleCurrent Level: 41 Occupation: Assassin

Race: Mechanical Human Favorite: Sister I don't like: Nothing in particular

Real name: Mitsuzu Hirose

Miki's sister and severe ciscon. Sister extremist who loves you and tries to eliminate anything that harms or loves your sister.

I also like to hang out with friends, but most of all I think if it's for my sister and my sister, I can spin it all over the world. Miki and I have never had a fight, a good kid who obeys honesty.

Members: marshmallows

Gender: FemaleCurrent Level: 39 Occupation: Unemployed

Race: Mechanical King Favorite: Vinegar Konbu I don't like: Hijiki

Real name: TBD

She looks like a Yankee and is actually a little bad. I admire Miki, and my sister is a friend of the dog monkey.

However, when cooperating, cooperate honestly.

I also get the Machine King, and the style in which he uses it to fight.

Member: tho

Gender: FemaleCurrent Level: 41Occupation: Alchemist

Race: Human Favorite: Blue Juice I don't like: Celery

Real name: Shisei Mano

Actress. A big actress who made her first debut and played numerous dramas in the Great River drama "Takusaba". I am a sophomore in high school. However, I don't have any friends at school, and to a lesser extent in the entertainment industry.

Become friends with Miki due to being scattered by Miki, including the game alone. Miki doesn't know why, but she trusts you wholeheartedly. You want to be my best friend?

Members: Rock

Gender: Male Current Level: 35 Occupation: Wizard

Race: Human Favorite: I don't like protein: Pork

Real name: TBD

Jeanne's brother. He seems to be surprised by the use of magic, although he would be mistaken as a militant by Gachimuchi's macho and first sight. I am usually oligarchy and follow the instructions honestly.

Also, you think you're good at martial arts as you seem and in reality you're a karate teacher? It should be noted that he faces an old man but is 22 years old and young.

Members: Miruki

Gender: Female Current Level; 29 Occupation: Wizard

Race: Human Favorite: I don't like sweets: Vegetables

Real Name: Water Mirror Miki

Ellu's sister. About third grade. I am drowned by Ellu and she also likes Ellu herself. I am smart as a child and normally understand Miki's story.

I also like Luluk, and when I told Luluk that I would be Luluk's daughter-in-law in the future, he said Erlu cried. People do have eyes.

Member: jeannedalk

Gender: FemaleCurrent Level: 50 (highest level now) Occupation: Knight

Race: Human Favorite: Milk Chocolate I don't like: Bitter Chocolate

Real name: TBD

Rock's sister. I trust my brother on the other hand.

It defines Miki as the Lord, and he plays knight. Furthermore, he is a mazohist who feels comfortable with the pain and doesn't mind if he doesn't bother me. Someone who wants to be haunted.

So much so that the pain setting is also maxed out. It hurts if you get slashed, and it hurts if you get slapped. He is an invincible man.

Members: Agarta

Gender: FemaleCurrent Level: 23Occupation: Knight

Race: Human Favorite: I don't like stewed products; stiff things

Real name: TBD

Sister of three brothers and sisters. A good boy who thinks of his oldest daughters and brothers. I am a college student and go from home. It comes first about Nil and Chamberlain, and for that he is a good boy who sacrifices himself.

Let's get this straight. Dismantling tea, good boy.

Members: Nirvana

Gender: Male Current Level: 22 Occupation: Unemployed

Race: Dragon King Favorite: I don't like tea: root vegetables

Real name: TBD

eldest son of three brothers and sisters. It began where he possessed the Dragon King and wished Miki a mentor. Dragonization makes me hugely big.

I'm not planning on being crusaded by Lotto at last. The author didn't mean to give me the name Dragon King, let me give you half the world. I won't tell you if I die.

Member: Chamberlain

Gender: FemaleCurrent Level: 19Occupation: Wizard

Race: Human Favorite: I don't like carbohydrates: oil too.

Real name: TBD

Second daughter of three brothers and sisters. It's a mild tone, but I think of you and your brother. She looks like a gal but has a good personality. My brothers and sisters are so thoughtful that they don't want to leave.

A woman with Ciscon or Bracon qualities.

Member: Guy

Gender: Male Current Level: 11 Occupation: militant

Race: Human Favorite: Wasabi I don't like: Ginger

Real name: Maoto Guy...... there is no way. Tbd

I was a bully and I wanted to go in there in return.

He's also been learning Aikido for a while. I look forward to working in the future.

(tentative) Member: Chi

Gender: FemaleCurrent Level: 26Occupation: Clergy

Race; Human Favorite: I don't like hamburgers: bitter things

Real name: Maida Rikata

Miki's friend. I can't play A2O much to come home tired all the time after working part-time. He is also well liked by his children for taking care of him because he has many brothers.

Miki and I have known each other since high school. She seems to be from Kyoto.

(provisional) Member: Marya

Gender: FemaleCurrent Level: 9Occupation: Assassin

Race: Human Favorite: Pudding Bad: Raw Cream

Real name: Masaya Nakamura

I model and like Mano just like Miki. I aspired to model that I could admire and talk to Mano. She is rarely cool and panicky.

Miki also feels sympathetic and trusts.

One of her personalities is to slash her with clotheless words on her teeth. It is a bulky character.