Another Arcadia Online

Miki In Invisible ①

I'm clumsy. I've been terribly clumsy for a long time.

"... your sense of painting is devastating."

I know.

I can't believe art is an explosion, but my paintings are like an explosion, not an explosion.

Now that I've recovered from my heartbreak, what I'm doing is painting. It starts with being asked to paint on the wall on a quest. It was just me and Chillin and they were taking this.

So, that's my painting.

It's as if it represents the end of the century as it is called in the prophecy. It's something that's about to come out of Mohican.

"... this dog?

And that's what Chillin said referring to the painting I painted. That's the painting.


"... try drawing a dog?

I was told, so I drew it.

Pretty confident! Whatever this is, it doesn't seem like a dog... Like a dog. Oh, yeah? Why did you become a Godzilla when you were gonna draw a dog?

"I wonder if I can draw Godzilla with reference to a dog. Normal"

I wonder if my artistic sense sells it as a skill.

"Chillin 'is as good as ever, huh? Envy."

If you look at the picture Chillin painted, it already had a picture of a beautiful girl like the one the famous illustrator painted. Anyway, it's similar to my gear.

I mean, this isn't me!?

"Model, Miki! How about that! I drew Miki's cuteness on my soul!

"Turn it off now because it stands out!

I try to paint a Chilean painting with paint, but I am stopped.

I can't help it. Pain sharing means I'll paint Chillin too.

"... you have something to say?

"... Humph. Tits are so sweet."

"Stop it! Don't do that! I'm not trying to paint my naked pictures!? The painting is a monster!?

What. No, people. This is chillin.

Trying to draw a naked chillin...... No, no, because this is a person! A decent man! Look, he's human skeleton, and he's got human hair!

"It sucks my soul! Turn it off!"

and chillin smeared my painting with white paint.

I wonder why I can't be the only one. Was it a bad idea to be naked? No, you're right. Yeah. I'm sorry you tried to paint naked.

That's all I need to reflect on.

"Well, I guess I'll continue to draw it."

Hold the brush, and now paint the letters.

The letter I wrote was' SPLASH 'Somehow this word came to my mind, so I decided to write it. I'm good at all this.

"Hmm? What is this paint? Let's get out of the way."

And, the paint Chillin held in his hand is a transparent paint. No, it's water. I don't care.

Then there's a stone beneath Chile's feet.


Chillin kicked in and hit me brilliantly.

There was paint all over my head. No, I'm glad it's a game, but if it's real, it's catastrophic.

"Be careful. Chile."

"Sorry Miki...... Oh, that? Miki?"

And Chillin with her head up is looking for me.

No, I'm here.

"Miki? Where have you been?

"No, you're here."

"Heh? There's no one there, but Miki's voice..."


That's what they said. I was curious, so I'll check myself out.


Curse: Invisible


Wow. Transparent human......