Another Arcadia Online

I'm not bad.

First Nil's Ragnarok. It covered one side with fire. When touched, it sustained definitive burns, and the shredded HP is there.

This is Ragnarok.

Follow me, Halmagedon.

Halmagedon drops Meteo five shots at a time. Its metheo is high firepower and almost instant death even if Chile just received it. Thanks to Chillin's possession of sturdy skills, he didn't have to be a PK.

But well, the power is amazing. The problem is range.

So, followed by John's Apocalypse.

This was usually strong. I've tried it with demons, but the absorption rate is amazing. It sucks out 10 a second. If you're a low-health opponent, you'll do your best in ten seconds, and you'll just have this activated in an interpersonal match.

However, the problem is that they are a little weak when it comes to wizards and rear guards just because they are strong for Kingsguards. It goes so badly with the hunters fighting far away for a minute with a range. Because if you're not within range, it doesn't make sense.

"Is it something like this?"

It was worth 200,000.

"Skills are end-of-life."

Apocalypse of Ragnarok, Harmagedon and John.

Are you going to give me the end...... Especially since I'm a god of creation, and it's like ending the world or something? It's like I'm gonna be a lass boss like he said he'd run something too......

... I checked with A2O Miki on the internet while logging in because I was curious, and the slate was tremendous.

[A2O] Talking about kings

323. Unnamed Player

I knew it was Miki.

324. Unnamed Player

Right. PSOutside, many discoveries, the world quest's biggest contributor. It's Miki who's accomplishing a lot of great things.

325. Unnamed Player

The beginning and end of even being told Russ boss for the operation.

326. Unnamed Player

Operation Crying Miki......

Players who make operations cry and even make operations say las bosses. That's the kind of story that flies. That's not what I'm doing.

That's just what's happening so I can attract something. Now I'm pretty much what I was able to do by accident!

"... I'm glad you're rasbossing, but I don't think you've done anything to make me cry about the operation"

I do feel like I'm doing something that I don't like running. But would that be why that poor character operation would cry about it?

It's more like something I'm going to go into with the idea of "Kono no no Soo"......

"... or maybe I made this skill myself and it's an operation and I deserve it"

That's what I came to the conclusion.

So I'm not bad.