Another Arcadia Online

Fox Konkon •

That's the one to walk. So I decided to call Ellu and Luluk and Chillin to go around too.

I ride over Chillin's head, and over Erlu, tho. It feels like Marya to Luluke.


"Well, fine...... They use it like it's good, so I need you to help me out later."


I was clinging to my head.

I wonder what it is. Wow, it stabilizes. I was wondering if it would shake because it's about Chile, but it's not. I'm sorry. I didn't believe in Chile's stability.

"But she's cute, isn't she? They said they were putting animals on their heads."

"That kind of Luluke is cute, too."

"Mm-hmm. I don't want you to say she's cute. I'm looking for a cool route."

I just remembered that Luluke looks like a man... I thought she was usually a girl without discomfort. I don't know how it looks......

You already look like a princess and Ellu is a prince, don't you?

"Nevertheless, there is a great armor store in the territory ruled by Bean."

Hanging out in the city. I figured it out. The armor store is huge.

There are no weapons stores, but in ratio, there are armor stores at a ratio of 3: 1. I stopped by the weapons store, and the weapons were pretty good there, but the protective gear was pretty good.

It's a settlement with protective gear as its main focus...

"Wow, cute! Mr. Fox, it's on your head! Sukshaw, okay?

"Wang, this way -! Um, Sukshaw, please come with me!

"The cat is adorable!

And, for some reason, I was surrounded by players.

We're confused!

"Yes, that's fine."

"Yay! Then keep it on your head...... yes, cheese!

"A handsome man and a dog look good......!

"It's cute! You're hot, aren't you?

Luluke looks hot on the boys. If I were a man, I'd be Luluke. You'd be afraid of something new opening the door. Seriously, she's cute, she's got women's power, and she's a good girl who can care for her...

... Even I was really trying to deal with my girlfriend. Seriously, I'm getting feminized.

"Nice. All handsome and beautiful girls...... I wish I'd been born cute, too."

"... Let's do it today! Come on, come on, go crazy!

Oh, these people are my people.

I wanted to be a beautiful girl, too. To a beautiful girl with big tits...... Zhuzhou was cute, and in junior high school, he chewed me up, but I don't know what a skank I've been told. I think it's so frivolous that they call me skank.

... You remind me of something extra.

"It's a game all night - hey!

"" "" "Oooh!!

"Why is Miki so upset?!?