Another Arcadia Online

Dungeon Exploration (My) ②

Yes. I'm currently lost.

Of course it's because Chillin is avoiding pitfalls. What is it? It was extremely difficult to navigate without even finding the stairs that lead down.

"Me too! Where is it?

Don't think all the dungeons have stairs.

... I think I'll screw around because I'm going to be here forever already.

I'll try to encourage you to walk appropriately for now.

"Oh, yeah."

I was headed to the pit leading to the boss room.

And before the pit. Dimensions that if you go one step forward, the pit is activated and falls down. And at the end of the fall there is a door and Lucifer, the fallen angel, is waiting.

I'm trying to take a step...

"It's a trap there!

And, Chillin pulled me.

Boss, I'm telling you the room...

"You just got through there! It's a trap!

"No, but the possibility that it's at the end of the pit..."

"No! I only make people with bad personalities like that!

... I seem to have a bad personality.

"He said it wasn't there!

"No, I can't abandon the possibility."


Don't deny it even though you don't know that... If this is any possibility, I'll call you. Besides, I don't know that you don't believe me when you say you're bringing me here to rely on my auspicious luck.

Well, I'm probably distracted because I've been exploring here for a long time. Speaking of which, what choice do I have?

"Anyway, let's find it! Come on, boss, I want to do this!


And I take a step forward.

Pitfalls, activated.

"I just stopped it -! Silly!"

I fell upside down.

That is followed by Lucifer and Belzebub. Chillin was left on top.

There's a big door down there.

There is no drop damage. Or it's set to not.

"Another unexpected thing."

"Hmm. I kind of feel the same vibe as I do. You're an angel up ahead."

Lucifer seems to have felt it.

Well, you can keep engaging Lucifer like this, but I have chillin. I'll wait for Chillin, but he's definitely going to come here...

Want me to send you a friend message?

Boss, there was a room.

I'll get back to you as soon as I tell you.

"Shh!? Where!?

"Before I fell out of the pit"


"It's connected when I fall out of the hole I just fell in."

I won't be able to get back to you.

And a few minutes later, people fell from above.


It was Chile.

Chillin looks around getting up.

"There really was...!

"Right? There it is."

"Ugh, yeah. And I'm sorry I didn't believe you..."

"Fine. I don't care."

Let's just meet Lucifer, shall we?