Another Arcadia Online

Pearl Town and Game ②

"Ah. Calm down..."

Now I raise dogs in the game.

That's the game. Feeding or playing outside. Growth games are fun...... Looks like the discomfort I just had will be purified......

"Pooch Maru. It's rice."

I have two dogs.

The names are Po Chi Maru and Po Chi Maru. The name I tried to give you because I wanted to have a dog. But I stopped because I was allergic to dogs. I can't even keep a cat due to cat allergies.

I don't have to worry about allergies if it's a game.

"Oh, you want Puchimaru too? Okay."

Pochimaru is marchee and Pochimaru is chihuahua.


"Misaki loves games like that."

"I like to grow it. Oh healing......"

I like to grow it.

He wants to marry and raise children in the future. I was wondering if I could be a childcare worker. I like to grow it.

'Stretch your legs to maintain your balance'

"I mean, Pearl State is a healthy guy?

"I've been feeling a lack of exercise in the real world lately. I need to make sure my muscles don't fade."


That's the bad part about VR.

If you don't move your body regularly, your muscles will blunt and your movements will be a little blunt. I have abs regularly, too. I've been in there a lot lately, and I think it's time to move my body.

"Why don't you come with me while we talk about A2O?


I stand on one leg too.

"Yet the dungeon we attacked yesterday. That's a bad personality, isn't it? Normally, there's no one to go into the pit."

... I dared to connect because I thought so too.

"Speaking of which, this dungeon, he says God made it, but Misaki also made it?


"So surprised?

"Yes, no. I thought you knew."

"Well, you were informed."

They were...

"That's right. I made it. Marshmallows and nils, too. I kept it a secret because they told me to."

"Heh. That's why I was pulling three guys into that guild leader's room."

Yes, the three of us were making it in my room, telling me not to look at it if I was going to find out by chance.

"Next time Misaki makes it, let's go."


I'm already there......

"... Pearl. I'm already there."


Pearl had his neck hanging without knowing what it was about.

"... the one you were talking about earlier with the pitfalls connecting."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Well, I made it..."

"Heh. Yeah what... what...?

Pearl State was looking at me with his eyes all round.

Stop standing on one leg and look at this one. He stood blind.

"Seriously!? So you knew the boss room from the start!?

"Ugh, yeah."

"So trying to get in...! If you knew, then it's natural to try to fall deliberately! 'Cause I know!

Well, I know, boss, so it's easy to go to your room.

The producer knows everything.

"I was walking around so much I was laughing...?

"... well, I didn't know you got into what I was thinking"

"Whoa...... Seriously......"

As for this one, I was a little happy.

"I don't know, a dodgy success? Sounds like it."

"It sounds really dodgy..."