Another Arcadia Online

Sixth event ④

Our camp is unreliable. Because Mr. Miki will take command.

We move as pawns. I was one of them.

I was hoping for a pit until earlier.

Now he has a sword and is at odds with the NPC.


Swing the sword.

Cut off enemies and push them further and further into the main enemy squad. Does this snow keep Hokkaido people together! There's snowflakes everyday. Here!

I hate snow because it's hard to run!

"Gu. Can't it be a boulder?"

When it was raging, it was cut off from the NPC and damaged.

It's still okay because it's a little less. I decided I'd do my best next time. for his contribution to Mr. Miki. for the victory of the event.

"We'll fight till we die!

The kings are still invisible.

Was it to stop the kings at that time? So, wow. The player who got the king can theoretically be defeated even by us. There's just too much difference in status.

"Tori, oh!

Kick the enemy.

Shall we reduce it a little?

We also go back inside town after our engagement with the players.

The city was so quiet that I didn't know there was a war going on. Normally, I run a store, and I don't feel like I'm in a crisis.

I'll ask.

"Master Baan will be fine."

Everyone trusts Bean.

I'm sure you'll do something about it. It would take that heavy pressure. If I were in that position, I might have given up everything.

... all for Bean, huh? Same thought as me. "

Everything is for Miki.

"Okay, we'll do our best!

Restore the mood and drink the recovery potion.

And he held his sword again and proceeded into the snow. Everything is for Miki. We, Miki SS. I'm pushing it!

Miki, there's us somewhere! You can't die until Master Miki gives you permission.