Another Arcadia Online

Sixth Event ⑤

I think it's been since the fourth tier boss to give this kind of command.

I am neither a strategist nor a tactician. There was no rivalry with anyone without having ever thankfully made war. Conflict arises when we are on an equal footing.

"And what's the matter..."

There was a massive army pressing ahead in front of me.

Apparently, he stormed without a scratch. Looks like they're pointing all their power at us. There are wolves and tiger beasts, and there are players.

Looks like there's a lot of herbivores over here and a lot of carnivores over there.

Well, what do we do?

This number. Even I'm tight.

And most importantly, slightly, but not enough people.

Confirm the fall of Nirvana.

... Oh, my God. I thought I'd lose, but I don't think I do now. No, no, well, as expected, but losing here is unexpected.

Then Gagato will be on his way here. It's troublesome...

"I don't know what to do..."

Fly through the sky with your flying skills.

A platoon would still take a lot of time and most importantly, it would be full of gaps. In other words, you can't blame me for thinking almost about my operation.

I can find the thread when I think about it...... there's no way.

"In the meantime, just protect Bean..."

Our loss if they defeat Bearn.

It's good to consolidate the protection, but I'd like to have this one even if I overmanned it. Hard. I don't know what a commander is. Think from scratch beyond the lack of an operation called an operation.

I guess it's still easier because if there's an operation, you just have to think about it after there...

Things got worse.

All I'm saying is, we're a U.N. crowd. The other side has a proper operation.

"Don't find me as much as you can."

That is.

I was able to spot him hiding and lurking, but I was able to spot him and hear the operation out. Defeat Bearn without seeing him as much as you can with me.

... I'd like to know if you know my weakness.

The reason I don't protect Bean is because I'm basically not good at fighting while protecting someone. I look around, but it doesn't mean I'm careful.

I don't even have the skill to read the other person's behavior with every move, and I can't do it on a boulder from where to how it strikes me.

Better than everything is my reflex nerve.

Protecting means you have to do what you care about as much as possible, and focus there. I could have looked around, but I couldn't.

I hope it's still one-on-one. I'm in trouble because it's more than one.

There's no way we're going to escape to the shrine. In the first place, it is impossible to let Bearne escape there because the Divine Domain is a mechanism that cannot be put in except by the players. I tried to think about it, but I couldn't.

"... I'm starting to hate to think"

Wouldn't it be better the other way around if we gave up already and we all rammed up to our liking?

I don't give a damn about directing. They do what they want!

Don't even think about it anymore!

Isn't the renunciation of thought the best operation?