Another Arcadia Online

Killers who want to kill gods ③

Overwhelming. So tragic that the words are similar.

Murderer's City. Strength losing the name. It can be someone who hasn't felt as affordable as this for so long.

Too weak to burn incompletely...

"Well, you're the only one left, boss. I want you to tell me how you feel right now."

"Now we're sure we won. Two to one more even if the boss is strong. Wouldn't it be better for you to surrender?"

Hunt him down with me and Magdad.

Murderer City Guild Chief had frightened eyes.

"You mean you did that number of people for two! Then it's a monster!

"A monster? I don't like it. You were just too weak for us to be monsters. I was hoping he was a little stronger, but he was so white."

Magdad laughs.

"Wow, I'm sorry! No more PK! So only the dissolution of the guild......!

"No, no, you can't break your pledge on the way. That's what it is."

"You're right!

The beginning and end of coming down to the dungeon.

How much I don't want to break up. Admittedly, the tenacity that I still try to stick to over this period is only counterproductive if I persist too much.

Sometimes cleanliness matters.

"No, you can't. I'm gonna get you sanctioned."


"Of course I'll tell the operation about this. It's often bad with account suspension and it would be BAN. Good luck to you."

"... uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-huh!

And it comes back up and down.

Magdad snorted and stabbed the knife in the neck. Magdad's face looked very ruthless then.

"Don't push your convenience... I don't like these people."

It had hateful eyes. He has eyes like the old me.

"... it went upside down without even being in the pattern. Were you scared?


"Good for you."

I wasn't scared. He just said there was something so unpleasant about him that he hated him. I know very well because I have one too.

We have confirmed the victory of the Spirit Guardian.

We're ending the Alliance match.

The city of killers was forced to break up their guild.

Guild chief says the account was BAN due to the operation of what was rampant. And Magdad is doing his quest as well as usual.

And the eyes then.

I wonder, too, what I was thinking when I had the same eyes as Magdad.

Living in the eyes of me and Magdad is anger. I wonder if something happened to him, too. I just don't want to mumble through people's past. I'd be scared if I stepped on a mine.

... Well, I don't think it's a problem I can solve, and I'll just ask if they talk to me.