Another Arcadia Online

Standing in the sky is a big abandoned town (2)

The town you can see in front of you is said to be the former heavens.

Lucifer looks at it like she misses it. I don't know if there is any resentment, but I wonder if the fact that it is a sieve is loose.

"There are signs of angels. It doesn't look like it's completely obsolete yet."

So Lucifer went to roll out to the city.

We go into heaven following that, too. I landed on the ground and looked around. There are indeed people with angel wings. Not much, but I am.


"You're here."

I was having that conversation with Marya.

"Hey Lucifer. How's that better than when you were there?

"... it's getting better. Everybody live in peace...... Like it never happened then."

"Oh well."

"I still want to know. God, I know I'm selfish, but I just need a little time..."

"Fine. I'm a little concerned about the heavens, too, and Lucifer needs to look into it."

Permit it. Lucifer leaves.

"... I look alone too. Call me if you need anything."

And so did Marya.

Hmm, well, first of all, what do we look into, like, the history of heaven or something? I wonder if there's a bookstore. History, for the most part, is a biography, a diary, a picture book.

And about Lucifer. I also want to know how Lucifer is being treated now.

There was. The library, not the bookstore.

When I went inside, the books were amazingly arranged on the shelves. Take one of them. The content is "the collapse of the heavens". The author is Gabriel...... Gabrielle?

Weird. I wonder what it is. Why is this in heaven? The collapse of the heavenly realm was there until then...... I know that means, but it is. It contradicts the facts I know.

"Gabriel must have disappeared with the Raphaels too..."

"It's not gone!


I returned it because I was called out.

Huh? One angel was talking to me.

"More than that, you said Raphael!? Raphael, do you know where you are?


"Oh, you're late to introduce yourself! I'm Gabriel. He's a talented writer!

... There was Mr. Gabriel in front of me.

"More than that, Raphael! Where are you? I don't even have a tone out."

"No, because Mr. Rafael was quite a while ago..."

"Still fine! He's quite the type to sit there!

Then... Hmm, where is it?

I feel like it was either a second floor area or a fourth floor or a single layer, but I'm not sure of my memory...

"The city of beginnings......?

"City of beginnings! Whoa!"

"More than that, Mr. Gabriel. Why you? According to your story, Raphael, Mikael and Uriel will join you in heaven..."

"Uh, you want to hear that?

Of course. Because I care.

"Me, I care!

"Whoa! Then I didn't let you talk about your stupidity then!