Another Arcadia Online

Epidemic diseases ②

I got a buddy named Piong, but I don't know where to look. There will be a limited number of animals that can live in this extreme cold, depending on where they prefer.


And I heard screams.

A woman was crying as she went to scream with Pyong. And the beast man with tiger ears next door was black discoloured and dead.

That was already black. Hands together. And I took the body seriously. There is no grossness at all. I just look asleep except that it's discolored black.

I kind of remember looking at that body.

"... black, dying?

I remember.

Black Death. Name it, Pesto. Isn't that the epidemic? And there's that novel too. Was there any pesto going on in that novel, a rat.

A rat...!

"It's a rat demon! The rat demon is making this epidemic...!

"Rats......? Speaking of which, recently there was a chirping noise in the city..."

"That's it!?

Notice!? That's obvious!

The killer's animal is a rat.

I was supposed to do a rat hunt with Pyong.

According to Piong's story, it's pretty big to look at from the size of the shit. That's the culprit wielding Pesto fungus.

But is it really a pesto?

According to Piong's story, it wasn't an infectious disease. But Pesto is an infectious disease.

There is a contradiction with the real pesto.

I don't think you're sick... But this is the most powerful thing.

"Dark Death......"


"They used to do something similar. The literature said Dark Death wrote it as if it was swallowed by darkness and dead. The symptoms are almost identical, so now I wonder..."

I see. Are you sick differently?

Pesto is black dead, in Japanese. Write that you will die black. Black Death in English. Because it's not like Dark Death. I wonder if Dark Death will be a dark death.

"Maybe that's it. The culprit didn't..."

You mean the old thing just happened?

I guess Bean doesn't even know. I don't know how many generations ago, but it was quite a while ago. I don't know how to deal with this disease.

"So I'm worried that the culprit is really a rat. No matter how many monsters we beasts take care of the beast. It is ethically forbidden to hunt beasts. So I don't want to waste my life..."

Waste of life.

In short, you would want the monsters that make the sacrifice to be the only ones in one. Is it a quest that will change the result?

... may it be a rat.

I sincerely hoped so.