Another Arcadia Online

The Kings' sorority.

Outside stood a misogyny as he exited the castle after a valiant summons.

"Heh heh, brave man, I came to see what it was like, but I couldn't get you in."


Wouldn't it be something I put inside because I must have completed the quest? That king is pretty frank.

Were you waiting for the misogyny too......

"I wish I had seen it on the air. More Miki than that. Girls' parties, let's do it. Hehe..."

"Girls' party, huh?

The king's woman was gathered.

Marya, Marshmallow, Puggy, Missogi, my five. I was sitting in the corner of a coffee shop in the game. Marya and I have coffee, puggy, marshmallows juice. So, misogi is blue juice. The choice...... I mean, you keep it. Blue juice.

I guess there is because it's a players cafe......

"Hey, that corner is awesome. The kings are all here." "Sukshosukshaw..." "It's rare." "But there's only a woman." "Lotto, are you flirted?" "I only have cute kids, but give Mr. Misogi a break," "I agree. I'm going to be cursed."

I strongly agree that I am going to be cursed.

"I evolved...... Further up from Reaper."

"Heh. To what?

"Monster King."

............. Oh, Monster King.

You decide to go to heaven or hell? Are you the Great Demon of the Reapers? Really? So it's amazing.

"I also got a Heaven and Earth referee for my skills...... hehe"

That's pretty amazing.

"I'm an angel from the Avian King. Angels seem to be the best species of birds."

... Seriously?

So if Lucifer, Gabriel, Uriel, Mikael, and Raphael stick together, does that mean that the species is a birdman?

Hmmm. That's some kind of dream......

"The King of Machines is a mother, a machine (Mother Brain), something I don't know."

"What's That Cool"

The Spirit King, the Spirit's God of Creation, so I never read Katakana. Why is there only a Machine King? You're so cool with motherbrains and stuff! I envy you!

"What about the Fairy King?

"Is that me? Uh, with the Fairy Creator God."

You look like the Spirit King.

To sum up.

-The Reaper The Great King of Shinigami

- Bird King - Angel

-Machine God - Mother Machine (Mother Brain)

· Fairy God - Fairy God of Creation

Does that mean?

You know, to a fairy, you're just like a spirit, and you're just a god of creation, but you're different from a reaper and a mechanical god. I know you're my mother because Mother Machine can produce machines, but the Great Demon is a bit of a mystery, isn't it?

"I wonder if it was Marya that surprised me the most"

I didn't think the Bird King was an angel after his evolution.

We have wings on our backs, but that's all we have in common.

Well, someone comes into the store and drinks coffee thinking about that fact.

Angels and strangers with wings on their backs.

Uh, who?

"Lucifer and who?

"Ah! Hey! Robin!"

"Mr. Robin?

Foreign friends? Puggy, did you have foreign friends? But when you appraise it, it's NPC, right?

"Uh, Robin Hood! He's one of mine!

... what?

No, no, wait. Robin Hood? Isn't that a hero!?