Another Arcadia Online

Abominable Siblings ②

What shall we do with these brothers and sisters for now?

"Look, I'm not scared ~"

I want to start where we get along.

I kind of feel like I'm giving up animals. I'll take the candy out of my nose and give it a try. The boy doesn't take it. Hmmm. Can't feed......

"Can I trust you guys with something......! Humans get us right away...!

We're not human beings.

"You're an angel, angel! You're not human, you're okay!


Does it work?

"Ugh, shut up! There's no such thing as an angel! I don't believe in God!

"Hehe, then how do you explain this blade?

Raphael seems to be able to afford it......

He's letting the boy touch his wings. You're touching Mary, too.

"Ahem. Be gentler. Sensitive..."

I feel like I'm doing something I shouldn't.


"It's a feather ~"

"An angel!


Mary accepts or is happy to say angel angel.

Meanwhile my brother's firing is still touching his wings but he just looks suspicious. You still don't believe this is happening.

"Hehe, Master Miki. I'll leave this place to Gabriel!

and Gabriel confidently comes forward.

I draw magic formations in my notebook. It's amazing to do magic with free hands. I'd love to, too, but I can't write a beautiful circle with my hands.

And Gabriel broke the notebook.


And it was the rabbit who was summoned.

You like rabbits. This game...... also a mundane fluffy hairy rabbit. Red eyes are a little cuddly. Lovely......!

"Mr. Rabbit!

"Hehe, you rabbit. Do you want to touch it?


"Hakubi, what about you?

"... touch"

Touch it.

Out of the question Do you like cute things or not?

"... mundane"



Mr. Rabbit, you're surprised.

"Hey, wow! I can't believe you're a rabbit!

"Hehe, because that is the angel of God's family! To this extent, you can afford it!


"... wow, dude. The angels."

Oh? Does it work?

"Let me introduce myself first. I'm Gabriel. I'm an angel."

Looks like Hakubi missed Gabriel.

I'm not trying to leave while I'm by Gabriel.

"I'm Uriel. Rafael's the one who's smiling over there with Mikael."

"Mikael Since when!?

"I just got here! They threw it away in a nearby village!

Mikael, I don't want to clean up...

"... hey, you're fired"

"... what"

I said, "Well, if you don't mind, why don't we protect you? The heavens are still in the process of rebuilding, but there is a God. That look will change if you want. What do you say?"

and Uriel proposes.

I don't know if Uriel will go through with the application even if he asks... And, Raphael looks at me and bows his head. Oh, you mean I can ask... Okay, I get it.

And the answer the boy gave.

"No... it is"

It was a clear rejection.