Another Arcadia Online

It was something out of hope.

"Writing is complete! Well, just read this book and you'll be back in strength!

I read the book further because I was told.

The seal is unsealed.

Skills Available

All right. I'm back.

... I think I'll do it with my sword. I'd be in trouble if they made me out of combat like right now...

"It was a dangerous place. Thanks, guys."

"Because God is disqualified as an angel if he doesn't run when he pinches."

"I was just free."

That's what Lucifer and Belzebub gave back.

Do angels have to rush even when God is pinching because they serve God?

"Isn't that King Arthur? You recovered."

That's what Gabriel said when he saw Arthur.

Artena put it on the island of apples to treat it. I guess angels know it too. At least Gabriel seems to know.

"I'll see you first. I'm Arthur Pendragon. I used to hold one country, but I'm no longer a king. The king doesn't have to wear it."

"Arthur was also a knight at the round table. And Lancelot there."

"Heh. Are you strong? Then let's make it up to you!

"Don't worry about it. I'm a little tired of this fight."

"I don't know, man."

He looked at King Arthur like he was bored.

"Angel! I'm an angel! That's real!

Guinevia was taking Gabriel's hand.

"Ugh, yeah? Yeah, but what's up?

"Wow......! It's an honor to meet an angel who is subordinate and a family member as I serve God! Sign it!"

"Ha, is it the one called famous tax? Fine! Sign as many as you want."

Gabriel seems to feel good.

I write Gabriel and his own name in my notebook and give it to him. He had given it to Lancelot and Arthur as well as to Vinevia.

"Dear Gabriel! That means God is the god of creation, Artena."

"You know what I mean?

"Because Dear Gabriel, Lafael, Uriel and Mikael are famous! Because Master Gabriel is spreading to the followers of the Light Divine Church as the Clerk of Heaven!

"And I can light it up!

Vinevia is a devout believer. Gabrielle looks happy.

"... hmm? Gabrielle and the angels over there may not have fought..."

"It's Mikael. Look, Mikael. Say hello."

"Damn it, I can't make it harder. I'm Mikael. Is that all right?

"I knew it! I can't believe you saw the angels of battle and the two heavenly clerks...! So, is your angel Lucifer the fallen angel?

"... so what's up?

He looked at me a little bit when I was told he was a fallen angel. Don't you want to be called a fallen angel? Well, I guess it's a bit of a past thing to get involved in and not a bad way to call it.

"Wow! The first angel created by Master Altena! Allegedly a fallen angel, but loyalty to God is the best of angels! Whoa, whoa, whoa! It's an honor to have it written in your eyes while you're alive!

"... don't. Itchy."

Oh, I'm happy. I'm blushing.

"Oh, you're dying today. That's okay. If you're going to die in hope...... Dear Sayonara, Lancelot…"

"Oh, hey!? GUINEVIA!? Hold on!

Guinevia has lost consciousness.

Then something pops out of my body. It was a spider again. Big. But, you know, I don't feel hostile.

"Your emotions become demons. You left the trigger pulled. Another crusade..."

"Hope is great."


'I was born of hope. I'm not going to do you any harm. God bless you...'

Oh, are demons born out of hope, too?

And he threads at us. But it wasn't sticky. Instead, he was gently enveloping me to recover. The health reduced in the earlier battle returns.

Isn't that the opposite of the other one?

When I appraised it, it was the opposite demon called "The Great Spider of Hope”.

'Oh, it's great to be alive...!

"... Hope is amazing. Don't you know what I'm talking about?

"In the meantime, we're going to cure Guinevia's body. We need to make sure we can't make demons. Belzebub."

"Why me?"

Belzebub, meanwhile, was touching the body of Gynevia and sending magic.

Uh, spider in front of you, what am I supposed to do?