Another Arcadia Online

Companion of the moment

I took the Eichent Dragon home.

Chi, the town, me and the Eichent Dragon are across the street.

"My husband. Dear Chi, It's me who's confused, thank you for your continued support..."

"Oh, yeah"

Dragon level returned to 1. But it's true that the status is silly.

Apparently, if they tame, they'll make it level one. So it's imperative that you level up.

"Hmm, seniors in town! Newcomers don't want to go anywhere!

"Yes, my lord."


Smiles that seem pleasant.

The dragon, by contrast, feels more polite.

"Uh, name..."

Chi seemed to struggle by name.

I put it around here, and Chi doesn't seem to like it. What are you going to do with the child's name or something? Can you decide for yourself?

"Ai... that's too cheap... Dorado One?

... I don't know what to say. Your taste is devastated...

Though I feel a few hundred times better about Aye than Doradora 1.

"Oh, I can't! What's with the name?

"... you don't have to put it on"

"Put it on!

Chi is bothering my head with the name.

Name, hey. Because it's ancient, you think it's okay to Old.

"What about Old?

"That! Old man!

"Old...... yes. Okay."

Eichent dragon, Kioldo.

Perhaps Chi's path as Tamer was too open. Strong enough to think that if you train the Eichent Dragon, sooner or later you'll be able to take the world.

And I don't want to do that anymore.

"And you were strong. It's been a long time since they nearly killed me."

"Come on..."

"You are quite capable of bringing two human beings to one angel. I accidentally contracted to ask my husband for help."

"... the contract is disingenuous?

"That's not true. If you're one of them, you're not unwilling."

"Well, I hope so."

Chi had his chest down as relieved.

Dragon Tame is more tired than I expected, but it proved I could Tame, and hopefully this will get more people to Tame. Or maybe this method is the optimal solution for Dragon Tame......

Think about operations where embezzlement of others is the best solution.

"Thank you for your continued support. Your husband."

Chi logged out.

I'm also logging out and spending time in my room. I'm tired today, so I want to go to bed soon. I guess I'll even take a look at the game's official website.

Anything dizzy?


Seventh event......?