Another Arcadia Online

Courageous Brave Men ③

The dragon in front of you can roar.

Target Lucifer, attack him with his tail, but he didn't hit the big one. But the dragons are smart, too. Soon after that, they attack me with their nails.

He hits Lucifer's wings directly and Lucifer crashes. It wasn't a dragon that missed that gap.

I quickly recover and use my flying skills and hit Lucifer. The orbit is it, I used spiritual magic to slightly distract the nail orbit.

And Lucifer wakes up.

"Let's do our best"

I also feel compelled to work. I'm sorry. I'll pay you right when this is over.

"God, I'm sorry! I'm alarmed."

"The explanation is fine! Concentrate on the enemy in front of you!

I haven't been able to perform spiritual magic in a row, but it hasn't shredded much. Do you have a lot of strength?

"... hmm?

I realized I had one.

Something's wrong with this dragon. No, it was a little uncomfortable... A dragon looks just like a nil. This is what happens when Nil dragonizes. There was a slight difference with Nil.

That black dot...... It doesn't seem like it's a reverse scale... But it's weird that only one place has a different color, right?

"Lucifer! Can you attack that black scale? 'Cause I'll hitch the attack!

"Yes, sir."

That said, Lucifer is headed at full speed.

I was attacking a little. Powerful but not so diminished. It's okay, I think.

But I turned to Lucifer, not me, who was suddenly attacking.

and the dragon started attacking toward Lucifer, who approached the black scale even though it was geared toward my attack.

... I knew there was something in that black scale!

"... even if I can't make it through?

No, I can't. Begin.

"Lucifer! Can we get closer to the black scale while we attack?

"Heh, it's impossible! The attack will be fierce!

I see.

I magically hit it...... that doesn't seem like a good idea. Stun him and then go...... No, will I be stunned? Wouldn't I be able to appraise it and get tips?


- Jade Dragon

Royal dragon. Ears are sensitive, magic is hard to work, dragon species.


Magic is hard to work...... Then it is impossible to have a state abnormality. Sounds like that would be classified as magic, too.

So how about... Hmm?

"... If, Kame,"

An idea came to my mind.

Ear sensitive? Wouldn't you be vulnerable to the sound? When it comes to it, it's intense...

"Hermeln! What the fuck! Harmeln, you made me go! You have a bad operating personality!

Wouldn't this quest be seriously easier if Harmeln were here!?

"Lucifer! Bring back Hermeln now! In the meantime, I'll bear with you!

"Yes, I did!

I should have appraised you from the beginning!