Another Arcadia Online

National Theft Match ②

War like this suddenly starts a double-game, doesn't it?

And, well, I'm watching a drink with one hand. No, Lucifer, you're too strong. I don't even feel like just Lucifer.

Is Hermeln doing a little force or taking a little damage, but Lucifer is still intact.

You suck as a force. Hey.

"Even if the humans try to fight me! What can you afford without using the power of an angel!

Lucifer gladly slashes with his sword, and when he chops a man up, throws him away.

Sounds fun.


Then something stepped down in front of me.

Lucifer is flying away to confirm. When I appraised it too, that was a surprising name.


• Belphegor


It's the devil who directs laziness.

Lucifer stands up against him with his sword.

"What imitation, Belphegor. You're not gonna be the kind of guy who participates in this."

"That way. Didn't you say you didn't have to take them down like humans?

and a spark scatters between each other.

"Hmm. God's orders."


"If you're hostile too, I'll kill you."

"Wow. But if you're going to be one of us, you're going to have a superb bunk, and it's hostile."

Did you get stuck in a superb bunk?

Is it possible that the only way to keep them company is to make them everywhere?

"Let's get all the big sin demons here, shall we? That's more exciting."


Belphegor whistles.

Then, the devil flying from somewhere.

"What can I do for you, Belphegor? Call me."

"What if it's a fight?

It was Satan and Belzebub who flew in.

Belzebub smiled when he found me. Kakie.

And the next thing you know, it flew in.

"Oh, my God. Call me. I'm not free. Me."

"Envy......! I can't believe I'm not free...!

Mamon and Leviathan.

"Oh, my God."

and finally Asmodeus, the demon of lust.

With all the great sins, the area was darkened.

"Help me. Don't slap Lucifer."

"That sounds interesting. Oh, my God."

"Hmm. Fine. I'll kill you because I envied you."

"Okay, wow."

and Satan, Leviathan and Asmodeus on the Berfegor side.

"Unfortunately, I'm in the same position as Lucifer, so here I am."

"I don't have any grudges against Lucifer, and I'm on this side."

and Mamon and Belzebub were on Lucifer's side.

I feel like Belzebub and Lucifer were having a fight, but we need to work together when this happens. But there are four opponents. There are three of us. Although I'm at a disadvantage this way in number......

"If you take me down by the four of you, it will be your word."

"If you want to disturb me, just eat. Belphegor."

"Come on, give me some inspiration! In the name of greed!!

The fight has begun.