Another Arcadia Online

Gifts for tho

Well, let's go to the new area before we go to the hidden area.

Before that. Today is Mano's actress debut day. April 15th is Mano's actress debut and I would like to present this reincarnation book as a debut gift. That's the book of reincarnation. What I got during the war.

So I summoned Master Thou.

"Dear Thou! Happy Actress Debate Anniversary!

"Thank you. I knew you'd remember me."

"It's Mochi!

Naturally as a fan! I memorize all the information presented on the office website.

"This is a gift. The Book of Reincarnation…"

"Really? Thanks. Then I'll try to reincarnate you quickly."

and used it quickly.

"Races are random, right? I feel like I'm going to hit the king somehow now."


I have a feeling I'll hit it too!

And Master So's body begins to glow. And the light stopped after a few minutes, and Master Thou stood pompous.

"Let's check your status"


Name: SO

Race: Spirit King



Seriously!? Were you seriously a king!? Follow me, Spirit King! Isn't this... what I'm destined to be? I didn't know you would pull the Spirit King......

Thanks. Operation. I appreciate it.

"Same as Miki."


"That means you can use spiritual magic. I guess I can do what Miki was doing."


Dear Thou, Wow. I think it has the power of a Laplace demon and it's a pretty good enhancement. Dear Alchemist and Spirit King Thou. Yeah, I adore it. Thank you.

"You're in luck. You're lucky, Miki."

"Oh, really?

"You're in real luck. Maybe it's because of Miki that I pulled it off. If I hadn't done it in front of Miki, I wouldn't have pulled it off."

Although I do feel lucky for a long time......

Is it because I want to do it on a daily basis? Yeah. I'm sure he is.

"It's a great gift. When's Miki's birthday? I'll pay you back that day."

"No, I can't give back..."

"We're friends, so it's normal to do it."


"Extreme heart rate detected. You will be forced to log out"

I was extremely impressed and forced to log out.

No, no. I don't have a choice. I'd love to hear you say you're a friend in front of me. I don't have a choice. Force Majeure.

The heartbeat is amazing. I get a little excited......

"Master Tu is bad. I can't believe you made me a friend... Such a delight..."

I fell on the spot.

"Misaki ~. Do your homework...... Misaki-oo!?