Another Arcadia Online

Dorothy and the world of books ②

Walk the water with Jabbo Jabbo.

"Did you find anything?

"No. Uh..."

What I recall is a sewer pipe from the King of Spirits event where I met the Ellu's.

Similar to over there, but no garbage. Beautiful but no bottom visible water. We're looking for something in the water by hand, but nothing in particular.

"Hmm, then maybe it's not in the water."

Alice snaps like that.

Sure, that sounds like a possibility, but it doesn't look like anything on the wall either. Then maybe there's a tip somewhere. For example...... somewhere on the farm.

There's nothing here that might be a hint. It's not a decomposed wall.

"Dorothy. Didn't you get anything on the farm? Something about water."

"Is it about water? Hmmm...... Nothing in particular."


Do you have any tips?

I think there's a tip somewhere because I can't possibly explore it by hand and it wouldn't be that much of a livestock...

I don't know what to do here.

I don't know.


Alice is banging on the wall.

"Does Master Thou have any doubts or anything?

"Doubt it? Well, it's not."

"Say it. Maybe we can get out."

"Okay. I was wondering where the water was coming from. Look, this house is at the end of the farm, right? I'm wondering if there's anything ahead of me from where this water is..."

... That's it.

"That's it. I thought I couldn't get out of the farm, but I guess..."

I slap the wall where the water is coming out.

And also slap the wall that's not out. It sounds different. The more the water is out, I guess I can break it.

"The wall here, I can break it"

"... how do you break it?

"Let the concubine do it"

and Alice comes forward.

Alice punches the wall with her fist as much as she wants. Then the walls fell apart and the stairs opened. Alice militants...... That aside.

I was able to get away from Master Thou's doubts. That's right, Master Tu!

"Wow! Miki, you got it!

"Thanks to Master Thou. 'Cause I wasn't questioning you either."

I didn't think the impression that I couldn't get out of the farm was too strong either. But there was. I know very well that even trivial things have to come out in doubt.

And then I think I need to remember as much as I can about where things are. Let's take a note, too.

"Well, shall we? In a new area."


We go up the stairs.

There was a strange room. The room that was set up in the middle of the stairs. I think something's wrong, I look at everyone.

"... you're suspicious"

"Are you going in?

Sure, go in.

I opened the door.

Then, in front of me were the warcraft of Sayamako, Briki and the lion.