Another Arcadia Online

Abbreviated, lie to me.

The sound of the explosion echoes at the training station.

Three people were attacking me: Trophi, Gagatutsu and Lotto. This is training. You have to be able to strike at me for me to deal with. That kind of training.

I'm seriously avoiding it, too. I'm seriously avoiding it. You have to seriously hit me.

"" Roar of the Beast King "!"

And, Gagato barks.

Moments, my legs don't move like they've solidified. Are you panicking? All you have to do is restore a state abnormality to yourself. Get out of panic and engage Lotto.

"I've chosen the Lord God of Life to take care of the condition anomalies! Oh, because I don't even recommend waiting for the MP to expire."

"I know! Tough......!

"We're going to run out of MPs over here!

I guess.

I feel like I've been using my skills quite a bit since just now. It would also consume less than half the MP. I haven't hit a single shot yet because I'm seriously avoiding it.

There's a trick to attacking me or something. Some of them are the hardest to admire. Besides light.

"I'm not good at jumping bullets. If you can see it, you can avoid it, but I've been vulnerable to wax pinching for a long time."


"I just wish I could get closer to safety because even I would attack. I think it's easy because we're doing it now without an attack."

"It's not easy. Sounds like about 20 difficulty from Easy Mode?

No, no. You don't lose your strength, so isn't it easy?

"It's hard to crack a magic attack from all directions. I'm just wondering if it's hard to get that many people ready and need to be released at the same time."

"That's not very realistic. There is more to the risk than going through Miki...... Is there any way to destroy it?"

"I don't know what it feels like myself, and it might not be very helpful."

So I want you to let me know when you know how.

I'll think of a way to deal with it for once too......

"Oh, it's time to log out"

"Is there something there?

"Dinner. Your mother's not here, and I'll make it."

"Right. Okay."

Log out and sit on the couch.

Making dinner tonight while putting on something called "Two Conflicts”, a drama starring recorded Mano.

The protagonist, who hates lies, separates into two parts, one honest and one liar. It can be a very deep drama. There are a lot of quotes out there, and Mano's acting is too cute for a bad piece.

"Hey, how can I hate lies?

"Lies hurt people! Even if you think it's good, people only lie about hurting!

'I know what you're saying, but come on... You shouldn't be in this world.'

"Why!? You mean disappear to me!? Don't be ridiculous! I live! Wouldn't it be better if the fake disappeared? 'Cause you weren't in this world.'

That's what the real thing played by Mano says, but the fake laughed with his nose.

"Even if you stay in this world, one day you'll kill yourself with disgust."

"Why? I can't believe I killed myself..."

'I will. You can't adapt to this world. "

I assure you.

"If you find out what this world is made of, you... will die."

'... Shut up'

"You still realize you're bluffing. You're lying to yourself. I thought you were a liar."

'Shut up! I know...!

What do you mean, "I know"? What do you know about this world? I don't know, I want you to explain. "

Liars laugh and hunt them down.

The honest one cried. Cry and squat on the spot.

'It's a cruel truth, isn't it! What the world is made of lies and deception. Come on!

'Shut up!'

"The world is full of lies, but you still don't like lies. Can you adapt?" I'm much more adaptable as a liar. No? '


'Yes, don't deny it without a headache. It's all about cool thinking, huh?

Fake laughs.

"Humans are creatures who lie, creatures who need lies. It could be a frigid relationship or a damn up and down relationship. You have to lie to me. There were some words in this world about honest people seeing idiots...... Exactly. The honest will not survive in this world. '

"Liars fight their sighs and take victory..."

... to a sigh?

... right. All we have to do is sigh. I've been going to fight square and square before... I'm not being square.

Thank you, Mano. That's a good tip.

Deep and good drama. I love you, Mano!

... Oh, the rice support hasn't gone any further.