Another Arcadia Online

Dear fake, than real ③

The battle with the spiders was over, and now I was looking more at Doppel.

"I knew it wouldn't be that easy."

Magdad throws a knife but doesn't hit it.

He is throwing a tracking knife like it is, but he is stoned and started back. Hmm, it's more troublesome than I imagined.

"Watashiha...... Tsuyoi!

"Did you talk?

Is he talking?

"Tsuyoi, tsuyoi, tsuyoi... tsuyoi!

That's how I jumped up big and hugged Magdad.

And he's trying to punch me with his fist. I give instructions to Lancelot to go hit him.

"Nitai ichito hahikyo dazo!"

"You don't know! I think it's more cowardly to be copying Miki's abilities, though?

Gu Zheng.

My abilities are honestly cowardly.

It's strange to mistake it for being strong with the help of others first. I'm overconfident it's my power. Sure, it's my technology that copied it, but the strong one is the copied body. There's no way a fake can beat a real one. The real thing won that drama in the end, too.

"Well, you're done, fake. I won't hesitate to kill you."

"Ko, Kono......"

"What if I honestly admit to losing? All skills are unavailable. Come on."


"I may be able to use my flying skills, but what are you talking about where I used them? It's easier to give up."

"Co, cono fucking gaaaaaaaa!

And the fake was knocked down with a knife thrown by Magdad around his neck.

Phew. It was a pain in the ass. Let's be careful later. I don't really want to see Doppelgenger. Because we have to take this way, and it's hard for Gynevia to tolerate knowing Lancelot will be killed and brought back to life.

"Lucifer, call Gabriel. Thank you, Mikael."

"Oh. Okay! Don't go home!"

"I'm in awe"

I have to unseal it.

"I'm Gabrielle, a novelist in heaven. I've been writing about unsealing it again. Ah!

Gabriel came down.

Receive the book and unseal it. And this is what happened because of Doppelgenger. No, because of my alarm......

"Mr. Lucifer told me the story! A fool who imitated God...... looks like he could write a good book! Thanks for providing the story!

"Oh, yeah"

This certainly sounds interesting too......

It seems to be in pure literature. I wish it was titled ”Fake I wanted to be a god” or something like that.

"Are there any other stories?

"No, I think I can write one book just like this! Mr. Lucifer! Thank you!

"Right. Biography of my God, spread the word."

"Copy that! You deserve to be a novelist in heaven!

Lucifer...... Are you spreading it as a delight?

No, he does seem happy...

"The title is... That's right... Isn't that the title" Dear fake "?

"You don't have enough impact. Is there anything more dokan like this?"

"That's right. Isn't it a simple title called fake?

"Mm-hmm. It sticks. Shall we?"

"Yes! You don't have trouble with stories when you have Master Miki!
