Another Arcadia Online

No, it's not.

I'm going up.

The hills are back to normal and the ghosts are gone. Hard...... I feel more tired than I expected. I really sucked at dealing with ghosts......

If you didn't have flying skills, wouldn't you be dead?

"Ha... You're unexpectedly tired..."

And, the ostrich leaks.

"Because when it comes to the old days, you guys are going... I disagreed..."

"Sorry...... I apologize..."

"You really gave back your gratitude with a vendetta... I was brought to this ideal place in good faith..."

That's right...

No, but I know you're gonna want to do something that's banned. Don't push it, don't ever push it. It feels the same...

No, I'm really tired...

Skills: I've Got Unmatched Heaven

... hmm?

"I got skills."


"Seriously? I didn't get it..."


Just me? Why not? Do you have a skill acquisition condition? Well, maybe even an appraisal of your skills......


Unmatched Heaven: Can be used after death. If the opponent's HP is cut by half, it causes the opponent to die and resuscitate. (but up to the point of unity) (cannot be used more than once in combat) (cannot be used more than once in combat)

Recover the opponent's HP loss.



I accidentally blew it.

No, this is amazing. It sucks. It was such a bad skill...... Is this okay? Though I think you're very strong when you're a Tyman?

... You can't do this.

"What was that?

"It's not a good day..."

"... effect?

Can I say this...

"... to sum up, if you cut your opponent's health by half and you die, your opponent dies, this one comes back to life"

"" "What?

The people shouted in surprise.

Yeah, this sucks......

"Of course, it can only be used by one person, and it feels like it cannot be used more than once, so only one person can use this skill in combat and not more than once..."

"Tyman... you're strong"

That's right.

When the opponent's health is cut by half, it is confirmed to win. It feels like the actual opponent is half-power. I don't think so.

The conditions for acquiring this skill are mysterious.

"Why is it just Miki? Is there some kind of condition?

"The conditions are obvious... Kukukuku. Miki is the only one who has done this before..."

"What only Miki did?

I'm the only one who did it...

"Fighting ghosts...... no, conditional on you striking an attack?

"I'm sure that's it... We only had to run, but Miki was buying time...... Miki, I wonder if there was an attack."

"You guessed... I didn't lose my strength though"


I see. Then I'm convinced, because the difficulty is too gay...

There's no one I can possibly do it with. Friend or in my body...... I don't feel like Magdad could go anywhere, but it's a bad idea to engage in that ghost attack.

Maybe even a single blow would kill him instantly. Running away with damage is nearly impossible except for chillin.

But because there's that slope too... Maybe even in Chile, that slope is troublesome, and the ghosts are coming up, so they'll climb up.

Chillin is impossible, too. Maybe it's something else if you have flight skills......

"Essential Skills are Flight"


"I also want sturdy skills."

"... where do you get it"

"It's just, that ghost, if you attack, you might have to hoof it up and get close again, so even if it's sturdy, it might not smell gay"

Yes, if you get hit first, you'll lose this one, even if you can't get away with it, and the difficulty is livestock.

Besides, there are speeds to follow, and if you're using your flying skills, it doesn't make sense.

I don't know who I'm going to be able to...

"Misty, spiritualization might be better. Except for me, the effect time could be very short."

Wizards are best because it has to do with the amount of MP.

However, I honestly don't seem to get much of a spiritualization, fogging. I've never seen anyone with this skill besides me.

"You can't."

"I can't."

"We can't do this."

If you give Chile flight skills...... you can't.

I'm not very good at chillin '... Oh, no, but there's one.

"There's someone in my Gilmen who's going to get one."

"... it's a PS monster."

"No, I have convenient skills"

Yes, it's Mano.

If you give Mano sturdy skills... it might be possible.

All right, give this to Mano too... We need to give him sturdy skills and flying skills.