Another Arcadia Online

Tears in the Eye of the Ghost —

The swollen ghost flipped over like a shabby table when he stuck his hand in the ground.

The object that was on the ground pours down on us. The rocks, the soil, penetrate us. What do I do with this? Hey!? Even the rising airflow won't help, and Goemons can't save them if it's spiritualization or something!

The ground is approaching directly above me while I'm worried about it like that. This makes no sense to operate it. Just bury it. Do you dig your own grave?

"Stop thinking about it!

I activate wind magic.

There was something called a tornado, and when I recreated it, the soil blew away. That's it. Not that it is.

Big ghosts stare at this one.

"Gah l!

Ghosts are not golden bars, they try to cleave them with their nails.

Big minutes are hard. No, the judgment is huge, so it could be a hit. It might be a little harder not to hit it.

Refrain the claw attack without difficulty and keep the magic properly fed.

Then the hungry ghost made a huge jump at best. And over our heads, there's a ghost coming down......! We avoid.

Then a ghost raised the earthen smoke and landed.

If you look at the ground, it's perfectly snaggy.

Wow...... I can't gay...... She says she still has more than half her health, but she doesn't...

"Hey, can you win this?

"I don't know. It's time for battle. We'll have to do it!

"Could it be my fault to struggle...?

... I can't deny it.

No, I'm struggling without comats. I just said I need to shelter......

"Gah l!

Ghosts rush in again at the same time as they scream.

I thought you were a good assault... but apparently things are not right. Then the ghost fell down on the giant. Assault on the premise of falling...!

We avoid sideways.

I couldn't avoid it at all, but it's hard to flaunt this giant.

Use a stamina to have a big minute travel distance of less than half. This is not good...... We have to do something about it.

As a matter of fact, this one is severely depleted.

It's a tough fight, I don't see a winning chance. I don't know that ghosts are such a pain in the ass. Compared to that ghost...... or something, but I can't do it over here either... I wish I could sharpen it......


Unleashes the greatest magic of light.

They attack with a mimic sun, etc., but only scrape if the magic defense is high or not. Large gaps help......

"Ha... ha... Tough. He's a ghost..."

"Sorry... you're not helping me"

The ghost stood up, and, with his hands on his knees, he was out of breath. Apparently it has stamina. Seeing you out of breath......


Then there was tremendous damage.

... Could it be that the more tired a ghost gets, the greater the damage it can do? If that's the case, I need to make it rampant enough.

I hope this hypothesis is correct.

"... Ooh, here. Come this far."

And I stand in front of a ghost.

The ghost noticed and attacked him with his fingernails as he cut his breath. Do it, do the magic.

Ooh, the amount of sharpening is very different. I wasn't losing a lot of strength. Almost half my strength. I knew I should make you tired......

It's easy to do if you know how to attack.